Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Being from Florida like I am, I sometimes forget it isn't normal to everyone for Hurricanes to hit. Most of us from the southern corners of the US and around the Gulf are very used to them hitting during the season.
I had several students ask why do they say, get into a bathtub? I had to control my giggle as I tried to explain the reason behind it. The looks I received made it impossible to not laugh. Honestly, I would think any state on the east coast should be used to this kind of thing during Hurricane season but I guess since not all the states get hit on a regular basis like Florida they don't always remember, especially the younger generations.
All they remember is not having to go to school if it was too bad. Growing up in Florida it was a running joke to have Hurricane parties because they hit so often. Now, I go to the stores and they are completely wiped out because people are afraid they are going to be stranded in their homes with no way to get food.
However, they do this in winter when there are threats of snow storms or ice. Weather makes people do some crazy things.
Now, don't get me wrong sometimes the hurricanes are really bad and cause so much destruction it takes months to years, to recover. It just means those were stronger than what normally take place, during the season. However, over the years I have noticed the storms have increased in severity which does make them a lot scarier but still doesn't take away from them being normal events.

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