Monday, June 25, 2018

This weeks letter "I"

Topic: Imagination

When I write my imagination takes over and my mind creates the story as I am writing. I have a very active imagination and have all my life. When I was younger I was told on multiple occasions "You live in your own reality. Get your head out of the clouds."
I have to say with an imagination as powerful as mine I do make my own reality. This does not mean I don't have a clue about what is going on around me by any means. It just means when I write I see the world I am creating and because I can see it so clearly, I am able to show it to others not just tell them about it.
When you write, your imagination is what drives what you write. You have to be able to see what you are writing so others will see it too. Think about it, when you watch a t.v. show or a movie, you are watching someone else's imaginary creation.
When you write do you see your story in your mind like you are watching a movie or t.v. show in your mind? This is the power of a strong imagination. When you write let your imagination take the wheel, don't fight your imagination and try to steer it, let it steer you. A creative mind is a powerful vehicle where the imagination is the driver.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Count Down...

Let the countdown begin...

Only a few more days left to get your pre-ordered copy of Becca & Wesley. The pre-order cost is $10.99 so get your copy today.

Don't forget once the book is officially released the pre-order pricing goes away.

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Monday, June 18, 2018

This weeks letter "T"

Topic: Title

Choosing a title for a book for me comes from the story. I don't have a title in mind when I start writing. As I write the story tells me the title of the story. The series title came to me at first as the title of just the book I was currently writing. However, the more I wrote the clearer it got to me the title came to me with the purpose of telling me it was a series title, not a single book title.
When I tried my hand at the mystery thriller genre it took me much longer to come up with the title. I had the story completed before I even had a clue to the title. It was still the story itself which gave me the title. 
To me, the job of the title is an insight into what the story is about. To give the reader a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery within the pages. Every chapter another piece. So, by the end of the book, you either know or think you know what is coming. If the pieces are placed just right you will have a general idea of what is going to happen but the end will still be a surprise.
So, the next time you pick up a book think about what piece of the puzzle the title is giving you and see when you reach the end if all your pieces fit the way you thought they would.
Every word in a book is like a step you take in your life. Be the author of your own life; take the steps to lead you to the destination of your choosing.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Book three Pre-Orders

Pre-Ordering is now open for book three in the series "The Ties That Bind, Becca & Wesley". Pre-Order your copy at a discounted price of $10.99 plus tax and shipping. This discounted price will only be available until the release date of Becca & Wesley, so place your order now. Here is the link,

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Book Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal...

I am excited to reveal the cover for book three, "Becca & Wesley". So without further ado...

Pre-Orders being accepted now, get your copy today!

This week the letter "I"

Topic: "Inspiration"
This weeks topic using the letter "I" is Inspiration. I find my inspiration for writing all around me. Most of the time my stories are my inspiration as I am writing them. I love when the story comes alive for me because then I know it is the story I am meant to write. Watching as my characters grow and are no longer flat, inspires me to keep going. Being able to see the scene as I am putting the words down inspires me.
For me, the inspiration is like falling down a rabbit hole and becoming apart of the story myself. It ignites the passion within me and the story evolves and becomes a living thing and is no longer just words I am putting down on paper. I can see, taste, touch, and smell the scenery in my mind like a vivid dream.
So, for me, my inspiration comes from within. Where do you find your "Inspiration"?
Be inspired and share the passion.

Stay tuned, there is always more to come...
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Friday, June 8, 2018

YouTube Video - Editing

Today's video is a view into my style and adaptability of editing. The project I am showing in the video the author does not use Microsoft Word like I do, so we had to come up with a way for me to do the project which would work for both the author and myself.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

YouTube Video Release...

I have released the editing & redrafting video on YouTube. Also be sure to subscribe to my channel to follow along as more videos are released. Follow the link below to watch now.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Weekend events...

Well, despite my collision with a deer on Sunday afternoon (1:30ish), which is an odd time to see deer out and moving around anyway, I had a good weekend. I got family time with the hubby and two of my boys. Thankfully the one son was home Sunday afternoon and had not left to go back to base yet or I would have been calling the other one at his job.
It took three hours from the time I hit the deer to get back home with my car. I did not drive it, we were fortunate enough to have some very kind individuals, who had stopped to make sure I was okay after the deer tried to catch a ride with me, offered us the use of a car dolly so I didn't have to call for a tow truck, since the HP on the scene said, "I can't let you drive this vehicle." He had walked over and pushed on the class to show it wasn't safe to drive even though I was only 10 minutes from the house. 
The hubby called Autoglass Now and ordered a new windshield Sunday and it was replaced today (Tuesday). The installer called me 30 minutes before he arrived. When he arrived he went straight to work. I had never seen a windshield replaced before, I found it very cool to watch him. From start to finish it took him less than an hour to get the broken windshield out and the new one in. And trust me when I say it was hot and my car was not in the shade.
For my Carolina peeps, if you ever need auto glass repairs or replacements, this is the company to call for sure. They were professional, quick, and reasonably priced!

Before                                                 After

Yay, new window. Now HP won't say I can't drive it. :)

Monday, June 4, 2018

Letter "R"

Topic: Redrafts
Redrafts are a part of every writer's life. Redrafts are done in every part of the writing process. The first draft a writer puts down is never perfect or the final product. Most writers before they even give it to a beta reader(s) or an editor do several redrafts. Then do additional redrafts after getting comments or suggestions from the beta reader(s).
I would say it is safe to say writers will do easily five to six redrafts before they feel they are even close to putting their work out for publication. I am currently on my fourth redraft and will hit my fifth with the comments and suggestions from my editor.
Redrafts are the writer's version of edits but they are the same as the edits provided by an editor. For me, I go back through and see if there is a better way to say what I have said in fewer words or better words to say what I have said to make the story better.
Every writer wants to make their story the best it can be which is why they do so many redrafts before the story is every put out for the actual public to read. Writers strive for perfection even though we all know perfection is unattainable because no matter what someone will find something wrong be it just their opinion, it will still be something wrong rendering it less than perfect.
Writers life: write, redraft, redraft, beta read, redraft, editor, redraft and one more redraft, oh wait I need to do one more redraft then I'm done.
Redrafts are a writers path to perfection...or a writers insanity.
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Friday, June 1, 2018

YouTube Video...

I have just released another YouTube video, follow the link below to watch it now...