Wednesday, August 10, 2016


What excites you?
There are a world of things which can excite a person. Life is full of chances to get excited and have an overwhelming feeling of joy.
Life moves so fast and most of the time people don't stop to experience what gets them excited. You go through your daily routines of getting up, going to work, sending kids off to school, you know the normal everyday stuff.
We all get so caught up in what needs to be done to live, we forget to actually live. Living is about experiencing, getting excited, smelling the roses and loving those who are in our lives.
Somehow we as responsible people have gotten it into our heads, if we slow down things will fall apart, our lives won't become what we are striving for them to be. We won't make the numbers for the work week, which won't make the dollars in the paycheck. Guess what, those numbers and that paycheck can't give you back what you've missed trying to achieve them.
Slowing down won't take away from your life, it allows you to live your life. The bills will still be there, the work will still be there, the stress of everyday life will still be there. Guess what won't still be there if you don't slow down...all those moments which happen if you catch them or don't and all those moments you said, next time, we will do that later. When those moments come and go, they are gone you can't get them back. Life doesn't stop and wait for you to have the time for it, it keeps going without you.
Stop letting life go on without you! Take that extra moment to hug the people you love. Talk to the people who matter to you. Listen to the people who matter to you. Get excited about life and all the possibilities it has for you to be excited. Stop rushing for that next moment, live the one you have right in front of you. Live life, don't just watch it pass you by. Living life is how you succeed at life, not in struggling to achieve more than what you have.
Get excited and stay excited, don't let excitement be something you could have or should have done in the past!

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