Most all of us look back on our childhoods to point to why we are the way we are and how we have become who we are.
In many ways, I agree with the statement. However, how we become who we are is always changing because we are always changing. So, in a manner of speaking our past is not fully responsible for who we are.
Every challenge we face, every change we are presented, every decision we make, every success and every failure is what continues to make us who we are. We continue to grow every day. What we learn and how we use what we have learned is what shapes us to be who we are.
Personality, knowing right and wrong, and our morality are the things we carry through from our childhood. What we were taught at young ages. Outside of those who we are comes from our everyday interactions and exposures.
So hence the title "What Does Not Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger!" For every day, I wake up and face what comes my way and not give into fear, anger or defeat, makes me a stronger me, a new me, because with every challenge comes a lesson and every lesson learned comes wisdom and strength.
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