Even when you know it is coming, it still stings. Rejection is a part of life, and without it, you won't savor the approvals. There are all kinds of ways to put a positive spin on the negativity, but it still doesn't take the full blow of the sting away. Makes it a bit easier to take, but doesn't make it nonexistent.
Rejection comes in every aspect of our life, be it in a relationship, a job, life choices and just all around daily life. It may come in various forms, but the pain of the sting is still the same. Most people claim it just wasn't the door they were meant to go through, and there will be another door to open.
Finding the silver lining in the recovery of the rejection is just human nature. It just takes some longer than others to get there. I try not to let rejection get to me because I know it is always a possibility and in some cases an inevitability. It just is what it is, and life will go on no matter what the rejection was, and I have to move with the ups and downs.
Knowing something is coming at some point, doesn't change the fact of it happening or the reaction to it. It just puts you in a different perspective when it does happen. I think being prepared for a rejection gives you the upper hand so to speak in handling it in a more positive way.
Kind of like knowing an accident is about to happen, but making a choice on which is the best path to take in the accident. Do you go in headlong or do you go on the defensive and try to avoid the impact which will cause the most damage? Which would you do?
Taking the path of least resistance is not always the safest path, sometimes you have to take the one most blocked with obstacles. The obstacles are the rejections and how you overcome them is the path you choose, your silver lining so to speak.
I have always been told I do everything the hard way, but to me, it is how you learn the best. Can you learn if you take the easy way, maybe, but will you learn if you take the hard way, yes! There is no doubt in my mind nothing ventured is nothing gained. So, I say take those rejections and turn them into the silver lining they truly are.
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