Tonight was movie night with the hubby. We went to see the new movie Passengers with Jennifer Lawrence. It was a great movie. It was a sweet story line. I absolutely loved it.
I was very pleased it turned out to be as good as the previews had hyped it up to be. It is always a bit of a risk to go to the movies to see a new release. You never really know if it will be worth the amount you are charged to see the movie.
It is always a let down with the movie turns out to not be worth what you paid to watch it. Most of the time you can tell if the movie will be worth going to the theater or if you should just wait until it comes out on video. But there are always those times when you get caught and the hype was more than the movie was worth what you paid to see it.
However, Passengers was a good Sci-Fi film. The cinemaphotography was really good. I could actually imagine myself in the story and for me, it is what makes a movie great for me. Just like any book, if I can imagine myself as one of the characters in the story the better I like it.
So, I say, if you have an opportunity to go see the film, I say go and enjoy. :)
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