I can't believe how fast this year has gone by, it is only a week until Thanksgiving and four weeks until Christmas. I haven't even started my shopping for gifts. I can't say I am not a procrastinator at times but when it comes to shopping I am a big procrastinator for sure. This year has been a true whirlwind. There have been good things and sad things but all in all, it has been a good year. I stepped outside my comfort zone and ran into the sky and joined the ranks of other women who became paramotor pilots. I have met some really amazing people whom I am honored to call friends and family. I spent more time with my family than I have in many years. I spent a lot of time traveling to FL, a couple of those trips were for sad circumstances but I got to spend time with family members I had not seen in a very long time. Looking back it seems like I crammed so much into one year but it felt good. It actually reminded me how much I don't like staying still. The downside to it is that life doesn't always allow for that amount of activity or even a fraction of the activity I got this year. I have a lot to be thankful for and not just for the events of this year.

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