As most of you know it has been a rough couple of years for me. I have shared my journey thus far, of losing the eyesight in my left eye. You have traveled with me on the ups, downs, twists, and turns this roller coaster has taken. The multiples of injections I endured, the laser procedures (which left permanent scars, only I can see), the cataract surgery and then glaucoma (which I still have flare-ups on occasions). I have always accepted what was and what would come. For the most part, I have tried to stay positive and see the silver lining. I have stopped the injections as I had previously said I was going to do because they were inherently causing more damage than they were actually helping. My life has changed in the manner of what I am physically able to do has become limited. Now when I say physically able I do not mean my vision prevents me from lifting, walking, talking, etc...I simply mean things I took for granted I miss, driving at night, being able to see in the dark, you know the simple things. However, I am grateful for the fact I can still see using glasses. I am still able to (with limitations, of course) be creative, write, read, watch movies, basically still live my life.
The one thing I wanted to do was get my pilots license so I could share in the world of flight with my husband. I truly thought I would only get to share in that world as a passenger, but he found a way for me to share in a different way and still be part of the world of flight. I have shared some videos and pictures as I took my want for flight and made it a reality. I did not allow my lack of sight to stop me from taking full advantage of learning how to have my own wings. Does my lack of sight make it more dangerous, no, because I know to follow what my body is telling me and to listen to my inner voice and be mindful of making the choice to stay on the ground and wish I was in the sky then to take a risk and be in the sky wishing I had stayed on the ground.
Everyone has a bucket list, even if they don't call it a bucket list, of things they want to do or accomplish in this one life we are given. With my story, I am showing you, even if you have something which limits your abilities don't give up, make it happen. There are always ways to make what you want to happen even if you don't see it, there is someone else out there doing it a different way which just may be the way you need it. If something is worth wanting and having, then it is worth the fight and the search to make it happen. Do what is going to make you happen in this life and help you live your life and not just let it pass you by as you watch.
Take that bull by the horns! Find the silver lining! Don't be the wall flower, be the rain which makes it grow!
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