Has anyone found the busier you are the faster the time goes and you forget what day it is? I like being busy and having things to do but when I am so busy I have to look at the calendar/my phone to know what day of the week it is, it is time to slow down just a bit.
Forward momentum is the goal but life passes by fast enough without making it disappear by being too busy.
I knew this week was going to be nuts but since I have been out of work and struggling to get my business off the ground {again}, I had become complacent because I work from home and only leave the house when I have to. This week I have places to be at by certain times and they aren't in my house on my computer.
Now don't get me wrong, I am a people person and I thrive being around others but I have also learned to enjoy being away from people working hard on my computer creating and writing. Since it is my passion, I can do it all day, every day as long as my eyes don't complain, of course.
It is only Wednesday and I am already looking forward to a nice quiet weekend of not having to be anywhere but where I want to be when I want to be there.
Happy Hump Day Everyone!!!
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