Well, I have the appointment for the second/fourth opinion on my eye issue. I have to say I think I have been fighting doing this because I am concerned I am going to find out more things I haven't been being told by the previous doctor.
It is bad enough I have been finding things out after the fact as it is, just not thrilled with the idea of finding out more things. Not knowing the side effects of the injections from the beginning and only finding out after they have happened sucks.
The cataract, then the onset of glaucoma just suck, and I am worried I will learn there is other damage to my eye caused by the treatment I have been subjecting myself too in the hope of regaining the eyesight back in my left eye.
Hoping to get good news but the reality of the past four years keeps me doubting there will ever be a recovery of normal sight. I would be fine with having to wear glasses on a permanent basis if it meant there were no more pools of blood blocking areas of the line of sight.
Will update after the appointment...stay tuned.
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