Monday, April 30, 2018

Meet the first Villain in the Series...Jessie

To her shock, Michael bent down, snatch the girl up over his shoulder, walk to his car, and place her in the passenger seat as she laughed. He moved around to the driver side with lightning speed.
Anger rolled over her like a dark cloud across the blue sky. Without thought, her hands ignited. Catching herself, she drew the power back inside not wanting to give away her presence. Remaining unseen until she was ready to make her presence known to the little tart.
           Michael would be hers, and nothing would stand in the way least of all her. She needed another vehicle. She had called a car service, requesting a car to come to her location. It arrived just as Michael was pulling out of Ethan’s driveway, taking the first exit to the freeway, pulling into traffic. She directed the driver to follow them. She realized from the direction Michael was heading he was not going to his house. He must be taking her home. Now she would know where she lived as well.

If you want to read more click the link below to get your own copy of Lyric & Michael...

New Adventure Continued...

I have a busy week this week. I have signed up for several classes this week to help get stronger as a business owner. I don't mind doing all the work, just need to figure out what I am missing in all of this building a business from the ground up.
I know I can do it, there is just so much to know and keep in mind when it comes to doing everything. I am also trying to find a part-time job to have some income to help out with the household until the business actually becomes my full-time income.
The road is full of boulders but I am not letting them stop me. Breaking them down is taking more muscle than I ever thought I had. It is one thing to start a business, it is a whole other thing to hold on and not give up on yourself.
I am determined to not give up on making this business, I have such a great passion for, a lucrative and productive business. A job is not work when you are passionate about what you do. Love your job and never work again!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Had to Share...

As previously posted I went in for a "second"/fourth opinion on my eye situation. Got some really cool looking pictures out of it and wanted to share one of them with you. Now, if this wasn't my own eye it would be awesome abstract pictures. The dark spot you see in the photo is where the blood flow no longer exists. The veins you see have dye in them which is why you can see them so well. the specks you see close to the dark spot is scars from the two laser procedures done.

I know this may bring questions to inquiring minds, so if you have them just comment and ask.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Christine & Daniel...

He rushed back to the family estate and found Christine in her room. Without a word, he pulled her to him, and kissed her deeply. She gave into the feeling, kissed him back, and wrapped her arms around his neck allowing the kiss to deepen. She thought to herself, “Even if this is the only time, I will take it, and live happy with it.”
She allowed him to carry her to the bed. Daniel laid her gently, caressed her body as he removed her night clothes. He started at her feet, kissing the length of her body as she moaned softly with each press of his lips.
As he moved up her body, the taste of caramel washed over his tongue. The scent of her arousal assaulted his senses the closer he got to her sweet spot. He wanted to linger there at the moment to take it all in and store it to memory but his wolf was whining and urging him to take what they both wanted.

If you want to find out what happens click on the link below to get your own copy of Christine & Daniel book two in the series “The Ties That Bind”

Friday, April 20, 2018

Feeling Positive...

Despite the not so great news from the doctor visit on Wednesday, I am feeling very positive. The new adventure is picking up momentum and I am thrilled. I will be attending a 10-week class starting next week which will equip me with not only powerful knowledge but I will learn how to hone my skills in several areas.
Yesterday's orientation was very uplifting and inspiring. I met some really amazing women and so look forward to getting to know them better. There is another seminar tomorrow which I will be attending as well and look forward to what I can take away from it as well.
If you have never heard of them, if you have and not tried their services, you should really think again and do it. Dress For Success is an awesome group and provide much-needed confidence building, networking, support, clothing assistance, knowledge, training, and encouragement. This awesome non-profit group is not only for women but for men who are finding it difficult to find employment.
If you are an employer I would encourage you to help support this organization. There are many ways to support this organization besides financially. They are always in need of volunteers, corporations who are willing to set aside time to assist with mock interviews, donations of; professional clothing, shoes, purses, and accessories (scarves, jewelry, and belts). You just need to contact the organization in your area and see what type of assistance works for you or your company.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Eye Update...

As I previously posted I went to my second/fourth opinion today. It took several hours as I had been told. There were several pictures taken and they even did a dye injection to see where the blood flow was and wasn't. No, the injection was not in my eye (thank god) it was in the arm. It only took about 15 seconds to reach my eyes, pretty cool.
The basic outcome was she agreed with the treatment, said it was the same thing she would have done. The only thing she would have done differently was having blood tests run to see if there were issues with clotting, which she believes could be the reason for the cracked vessels.
The downside is she actually confirmed my fear, there is no actual chance of repair. There were several dark spots where there was no blood flow and from what she said has been there. Said it was permanent and irreversible. She also advised in her opinion since the vision is not improved while the steroids are active it only aids in reducing the amount of swelling (blood pooling) and is causing the increase in pressure I should stop the injections. Then to just keep watching to see how the swelling does without the injections. However, I have to keep using the pressure drops and have to increase to twice a day instead of the once a day I have been doing for the past month.
The pressure was 26 today even with the use of the drops over the past month. I did, however, skip today's dosage to allow her to see everything. But in my opinion, skipping one dose shouldn't have shot the pressure up if the drops were actually working over the past month. She did say she did not see any damage from the pressure, but the injections would eventually cause damage over time.
She advised to follow up with my previous doctor and just advise I do not want the next injection. I just want to wait and watch what the eye does without it.
So quick recap, treatment is what all the other opinions would have done as well, pressure drop to be done twice a day, follow up with Sappenfield, and stop the injections to prevent the eye pressure from getting worse.
After four years of being injected in the eye in the hopes of repairing the damage it is confirmed there is no repairing the damage. I am torn between it being fortunate and unfortunate, knowing/feeling the vision is what it is.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Night Before Nerves...

Well, I have the appointment for the second/fourth opinion on my eye issue. I have to say I think I have been fighting doing this because I am concerned I am going to find out more things I haven't been being told by the previous doctor.
It is bad enough I have been finding things out after the fact as it is, just not thrilled with the idea of finding out more things. Not knowing the side effects of the injections from the beginning and only finding out after they have happened sucks.
The cataract, then the onset of glaucoma just suck, and I am worried I will learn there is other damage to my eye caused by the treatment I have been subjecting myself too in the hope of regaining the eyesight back in my left eye.
Hoping to get good news but the reality of the past four years keeps me doubting there will ever be a recovery of normal sight. I would be fine with having to wear glasses on a permanent basis if it meant there were no more pools of blood blocking areas of the line of sight.
Will update after the appointment...stay tuned.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Meet the Villain...

Anger rolled over her like a dark cloud across the blue sky. Without thought, her hands ignited. Catching herself, she drew the power back inside not wanting to give away her presence. Remaining unseen until she was ready to make her presence known to the little tart.
Michael would be hers, and nothing would stand in the way least of all her. She needed another vehicle. She had called a car service, requesting a car to come to her location. It arrived just as Michael was pulling out of Ethan’s driveway, taking the first exit to the freeway, pulling into traffic. She directed the driver to follow them. She realized from the direction Michael was heading he was not going to his house. He must be taking her home. Now she would know where she lived as well.
If you want to find out what happens, click the link below to order your own copy of book one.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Hard Climb...

It is a hard climb to create and run a business from the ground to towering above ground and casting its shadow for all to see. Placing each brick by hand, building it up slowly. Scratching my arms and creating calluses where there were none before.
The bumps and bruises from falling, getting back on my feet, pushing forward again and again. Trying it this way, then that way only to hit obstacles repeatedly. Climbing over them, crawling under them, or moving left or right to go around them. Sometimes falling mid climb only to have to start over again or opting for a different route.
There is so much to learn when you start from an idea. Cultivating it, watering it, helping it grow, willing yourself not to give up and letting it die. Without outside support, most ideas never see the light of day. The power of stubborness can be both an asset and a burden.
The struggles are real. As long as I stay strong, believe in myself and my abilities I will prevail. I refuse to say, "I quit!" I will find and travel every route there is to try. I will succeed, bring it, bring the hard road because I don't know how to travel the easy road. Bring the three steps forward and the two steps backward. I will make it happen!!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Logos - not to be confused with Lagos...

I have now created the Logo Designs page on my website to show a few examples of logo creations. There is also a page for logo design reviews. My first client suggested I post the logo I created for them to show off my creativity, which prompted me to create the page to provide examples of what I can do but not limited to what is seen on the website. I have a vast imagination and will create a logo to match you and your business.
Here is the Logo of my first client:

If you are looking for a logo to be created, use the link below to take a look at other examples.

If you don't see something which matches your idea just place an order and give the details to your idea and I will create a design to match.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Expanding my creative designing options. I have now included business logo design to my portfolio. I have not as of yet created a page on my website for examples possible logos but I will be adding it soon. Stretching the limits of my abilities is so exciting. Finding there are no ceilings to limit me is an amazing feeling.
This means the only thing limiting me... is me! I refuse to limit myself. I am more determined to establish myself as an artist with many variations of talent.
I never imagined my dream of being my own boss could be possible but I now know as long as I don't give up I will make that dream a reality. I have abilities I have only just begun to discover, who knows what a little more time will reveal.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Happy Puppy...

Very excited puppy...
So happy to have another human home to play ball with, it is everyone's job to play ball with the ball hound. He is such a big baby and boy does he ever love playing ball. It does not matter what time you come to the house, it is ball time to him. There is nothing else you need to do when you come home but play ball with the puppy.

Happy, Ball focused puppy...

Unexpected Surprise...

I love it when my kids surprise me by coming home when I had no idea they were coming. I miss them when they are gone but so happy when they come back. It always feels like they were never gone. The hubby will be gone but I will not be alone thanks to two of my boys.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Broken Heart

Today I sit thinking about a wonderful woman who has been in my life since I was a teenager. She came into my life after I had lost the most important person in my life, my grandmother. This woman became my adopted grandmother. She was full of love and positivity. She was an amazing woman.
Earlier this week I learned she had passed away on Easter. The hardest part is I couldn't be there in person to say goodbye, I also can't be there to attend the funeral.
Even though life had changed our interaction with each other, I still thought of her and reached out to her. It had been awhile since I had spoken with her and it pains me to admit I let life keep me from maintaining communication with her. I loved her very much, I just pray she knows I loved her and will miss her.
I will however always have her in my heart. Don't let those you love ever doubt you love them. Tell them every chance you have to tell them.
In loving memory Grandma Ruby!

Exciting news...

I have made some changes to my website. I have changed the name of the website, added new cover art design examples, and will be adding consulting options. I am expanding my business to help other self-publishing authors through the steps I stumbled through.
The new examples of the cover art was a thrill for me. I spent several days creating more examples to show my creative abilities. I had a lot of fun playing around with different ideas and actually created a new cover for one of my future books.
Use the link below to browse through the pages and read the comments left by others who have visited my site, made purchases, and read my work.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Awesome weekend...

It was a great weekend, our son came home for the weekend. It had been awhile since he'd been home. He is very busy being an adult. We don't get to see our kids as much now they are adults and have lives of their own.
I have to say I really do enjoy when they do come home and visit even when it isn't bi-weekly or even monthly. Love my kiddos dearly and wish I could see them like I did when they lived at home but yet I am torn because I am very proud of the adults they have become.
It was a wonderful weekend and so nice to have two of my boys home for a family dinner. I still have not mastered the whole timing everything to be done perfectly at the same time so everything is warm at dinner time. I so do not like cooking. Baking yes, cooking no! But can't eat cake and cookies for
Happy Monday Y'all!!!