Thursday, March 22, 2018

Birthday Month Day #22 - Resumes...

It has been a busy day. I really didn't want to wake up this morning but I had places to be and people to see.
Had my career counseling appointment and it went really well. I was excited to learn skills I discounted, I shouldn't have been discounting them. It is really amazing to learn things you have learned/self-taught are still skills which can be professionally marketable.
Now, all I have to do is find the correct wording to include these skills on my resume. I honestly think the resume thing is the most frustrating part of this whole job searching thing because it would seem you have to have a different resume for every different type of job you are applying for.
I am sitting here thinking if I have multiple skills in different areas I have to create multiple resumes to indicate these unique skills on separate resumes. Why has it gotten so difficult to apply for jobs?
What happened to the all-inclusive resume which is all about your work experience and skills. The point of a resume is to sell your abilities so why do you have to have so many different resumes to do this? The job experience won't change just the skills presented. How is this a good thing? Most job announcements say your work history must prove your knowledge and skills, but if your work experience is how you got the knowledge and skills it isn't going to happen regardless of how many different resumes you have.
Just my mind trying to rationalize this requirement/encouragement of career counselors. Oh, who am I kidding, it is me being me and arguing...

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