Well as you read in the previous post I had some eye pain this week prior to my doctor's appointment. Now I give you the update as promised...
I suffered through the pain on Wed using Ibprophine and no computer or phone. It sucked, I wasn't able to get anything done I wanted to do. But at least the pain wasn't excessive and I was able to control it with Ibprophine and no electronics.
The doctor's appointment I already knew was going to take some time because he had told me previously he would be looking at both eyes and we would be discussing glasses. I got to the office plenty early enough and it was great because they took me right away, no waiting...well not much anyway.
Got into the room with the eye doctor's assistant for the paperwork, eye test, eye pressure check and eye drops for dilation. While sitting in with the assistant we went through the lens testing to see which level worked best. Well, it turns out the reading glasses I had been using were too weak so now with the correct numbers, which are still less than prescription strength, I can see my screen on the computer, and my phone. This level is 2.00 and I am seeing much easier then I was with the 1.25 I had been using for everything.
For printed documents, I need level 2.75. It was so cool being able to actually see the letters clearly and not struggle to read. I am fortunate I can obtain the reading glasses from the $1 store.
The pressure reading was not good so I am back on the pressure drops once a day. It is clear the steroid medication in the injections is causing pressure issues in my eye and is what caused the pain the day before my appointment. The pressure apparently had gotten quite high. I do not know the exact number from the visit but I have been instructed to use the pressure drops once a day in the morning for a more effective response. I have just learned the eye pressure is glaucoma, which depending on the pressure number can span between 15 years with pressure levels of 15 to 25, 7 years for levels 25 to 30 and 3 years at levels over 30 for complete vision loss, due to damage of glaucoma {pressure} to the optic nerve.
So, now I have to make a choice, do I continue the injections and hope the drops keep the pressure down, don't cause extensive damage and I get the 7 years of limited vision or do I stop the injections and watch my vision disappear in a matter of months?? Doesn't seem like much a choice to me, either way, I lose the vision at some point. I guess the real question is do I lose it now or later??