Yesterday went in for another injection. The doctor had previously said he was going to schedule the injection but would be taking photos to see if the injection would be needed this time or not. He was saying in his opinion from the previous photos he felt there was a good chance we might be able to go a bit longer between injections.
However, the photos proved the injection was needed and could not be avoided or stretched to a later date. I reviewed the photos with him and could tell without him telling me the swelling was back. He graciously said the swelling was not a bad as it had been in August. To my lamins terms, the swelling looked just as bad and possibly a bit worse.
You see the normal picture of the eye is a dip in the vision line, where mine is ballooned. Which is what the doctor refers to as swelling. The swelling is actually pools of blood in the dipped area making it bubble up.
Despite the still having to have the injection I did come away from the appointment with good news. I had previously been doing drops to bring down the pressure in my eye. I had mentioned in the last update the pressure read was 26, well all I am happy to report the pressure read yesterday was down to 12. The doctor was very pleased and he has allowed me to stop the drops but did advise to keep it on hand just in case the steroid injections are possibly what is causing the pressure increase.
Time will tell and we shall see what happens on the next visit.
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