Well, as predicted the leakage is back and so the vision has decreased again. The fun part about this time is I got to feel like I was in a SiFi movie or show getting to see a portal opening. However, mine was not the fun pretty colors they are on TV but none the less it was the spinning vortex. Basically what I was seeing was the blood pooling which is what caused the vortex appearance. It was translucent but only because it hadn't started clotting yet. Once this happens I will start seeing the clouds again but only in spots where the clots are not like it was when the cataract was there.
The upside to having to continue the injections is I will not ever have a cataract in the left eye again. The downside is I have to continue the injections to not completely lose what little vision I do still have in my left eye.
Basically, in a nutshell, I do the injections and get better temporary vision in the left eye as long as the medication is active or I discontinue the injections and over time lose what little vision I have in that eye. Gotta love those catch 22's.
At this point the doctor has admitted I do have a medical disability. Not jumping up and down about this but it is better than continuing to wonder if I qualify for a disability because of the lack of vision in the left eye and the hindrance it is to full-time office job requirements.
The only thing the doctor seems to have an upside for this now is we are getting to spread out the injections farther apart. He was previously still showing signs of hope for an actual recovery even if it isn't the full vision, but the fact the vessels are continuing to leak and not heal the most we can hope for is to not to have to do the injections as frequently per year. Meaning we have gone from 6 down to 4 per year. Maybe we will get to drop again, but we shall see.
In closing, there will be more updates and I will continue to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. The silver lining I still have some sight even as warped as it is, I can still see with my left eye. Everyone and everything look like circus mirror reflections.
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