When you go out into public, do you find yourself watching others around you or completely focused on what you are doing?
I myself find people watching very interesting and fun. I watch their facial expressions, body language and they way their mouths move when they speak. In my head, I see a story unfolding for each one.
Those individuals who are on their phones are the best to watch as the story in my head unfolds around them. Depending on their expressions and body language the story can spin to thriller, horror, suspense or fantasy.
As a Pisces, I have found I can pick up on peoples emotions without even knowing them or being close enough to hear what they are saying. Most people say everyone gives off emotions through body language and facial expressions. Me I know I do, but not everyone is so easy to read.
When I sense someone's emotions the stories follow the line of emotion giving lots of twists to the story. Most of the stories are very short because I don't stay focused on one person or one group of people.
If you don't or haven't ever watched people when you are out, you should try it and see where your mind takes you.
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