We all have opinions and believe the way we each do, but when did it become common place to encourage disrespect?
I think people have blurred the line between the right to have your own opinion and speak it with respect to others. It appears to me the youth of today have forgotten how to respect others. I do believe respect is earned for the most part, but there are positions which respect is given because of the position not because of the person.
When you disrespect someone, you disrespect yourself as well. You are lowering yourself and showing those around you, you are no better than a child not getting their way. Just because you don't agree with someone or think highly of someone does not give you the right to be publicly disrespectful and think it shows you standing up for what you believe in. It shows how little you truly know about how to behave and send your message.
Disrespect is not how you send a message, it how you earn your own disrespect. Is it right to disrespect someone because you don't agree with their beliefs? Would you want someone to disrespect you because they don't agree with you?
People need to stop disrespecting each other. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone, but if we stop respecting the right to disagree or think differently we are headed for a lot worse future than we can imagine.
RESPECT - People, you can't let this disappear!!
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