As I have previously said, my kids are all grown and gone from home and I have gone through multiple trips of empty nest emotions. When my kids lived at home my life literally revolved around them, their activities, their needs, wants, just normal mother's life when kids are growing up and live at home.
So, when they leave there is this moment when you look around and wonder "now what?" You get sad, then a little lonely, even if your spouse is there. Every waking moment is dedicated to your kids when you are a mom, they are your world. So, when they leave to live their lives you find yourself with nothing to do and you truly learn what it means when people say they feel empty.
Then you put your big girl panties on and start doing things for yourself and your spouse. Life starts to become normal again, but then the kids come home to visit and you go right back into mom mode and then they leave to go back to the lives they live away from you and you are once again back in the spin of empty nest.
Well, I can honestly say it gets easier to say goodbye when they head out after the visit. I love when my kids come home and I do hate when they have to leave, but I am so very proud of them all and the men they are becoming, it really does make it easier to say goodbye and see you next time. Give the same mom comment, "text me when you get home!" as I get the rolled eyes and the "sure, mom" response.
Keep your chins up out there empty nest moms, cause it gets easier!!
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