As a writer, I have had my moments of excitement and thrills. I have also had my dips and pot holes. I have used resources at my disposal and attempted to do a lot of things I had never done before. I have learned the writing part is the easy part in comparison to everything the happens once those words are down.
The editing is just the first step towards publishing the book. Then you have the multiple redrafts. Then the submissions for publishing by publishing companies or finding agents to represent you to submit to publishing companies.
Or doing it the way I have and many others before me, self-publishing. Stepping into the ring with no safety net. Attempting the marketing, the advertising, the posting and repostings of the advertisements. Finding those who have traveled the road before you and getting advice. Finding the sites to use to get your book out to the public. This is all very difficult and takes a lot of determination to not give up.
Well, today I got the best experience a writer can ever get, I held my first published book in my hand. I got to see my name in print and feel the cover of a book I put my heart and soul into writing and putting together. It was the most amazing feeling, euphoric is the closest word I can think of to put the feeling into words and come close to explaining the overwhelming emotion attached to holding the book, my book in my hand.
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