This is an important question you should always ask yourself before you speak to someone: Are your words sweet or ugly, Honey or Vinegar??
I have always been very protective of my friends no matter what. Now mind you I stand all of 5 feet and was even shorter during school, but trust I have a big mouth and a mind that won't allow me to hold my tongue when I feel someone I care about is being wronged, which makes me feel 10 feet tall.
I tend to get myself into some trouble on occasions, for example, I took a punch to the face in 8th grade for a friend being harassed. Now did I know the punch was coming, no, but I took it like a champ and didn't even know what had Now, I have not taken any other physical punches, but it never stopped me standing up and speaking my mind.
The hard part is understanding what the hell makes people think it is okay to say hurtful things, even if they think they are being nice. Come on people think before you speak!! Honey, not vinegar!!
Tell me which one sounds better when trying to compliment someone:
"Hey, you have lost a ton, I mean a TON!"
"Hey, you look amazing! What have you been doing?"
The biggest thing is, think, before you speak, whether you are speaking to a friend or a stranger or even an acquaintance. Kindness people, KINDNESS it is important!!
Be Kind to each other
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