Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Appreciating life's lessons...

It is so very true people come and go from our lives through the years. There are those who make a big impact on our lives and those who only make a small one. The question is do you know what kind of impact you make on others life.
I have met a lot of people, some have passed through and others have stayed. I treasure all who have come and gone as well as those who have stayed around. Some taught me what I needed to learn from them and moved on to others who needed those lessons too. Those who have stayed are still teaching me the things I need to learn.
I have often wondered what kind of impact I make on those who come into my life while they are a part of my life. I do try to make a positive impact but since we are always our own worst critics I am sometimes doubtful. I make sure no matter how bad my day is going to smile at those who pass me or speak if they speak to me. Kindness is sometimes the only way you impact someone's life.
To those who are still apart of my life, I want you to know how much I appreciate your presence in my life. It isn't always easy to remember to tell those in our lives how much they mean to us but it is always the right thing to do. Take a moment and make sure you tell them because as the saying goes, yesterday is the past, tomorrow isn't promised, but today is a gift and it is the only thing we are guaranteed. Always be kind, it is healthy for you and for those around you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Making real changes...

I spent most of the day yesterday working on things for my business and my books. I also watched a youtube interview of a friend who I consider part of my family now. I realized I had not turned the tv on at all. Normally I have the tv on for background noise but yesterday I was so focused on other things going on around the house I didn't even miss the noise from the tv. Even though it was only one day I now know I can focus without the need for the background noise.
I also did my first day of my 30-day health change choice. I am eating healthier and more frequently rather than just three times a day. I am also drinking more water and because of the water drinking, I have learned some of my headaches are happening because I haven't had enough water. I do still have caffeine because I love my tea. I also still indulge in sweets. The one thing I have figured out, I can still be healthy and still enjoy some of my guilty pleasures.
I am also taking the time I need for me when I need it and not apologizing for taking it. For my own mental health I have to take the time. I know what makes me happy so I take the time and do it. What I choose for the time I'm taking can vary. It is an awesome feeling to just let go of the everyday stress and let my mind go blank for a little while.
I am taking toddler steps, cause baby steps are just too small, and I am determined to make these changes stick. I just have to keep my mental state going in the right direction so these healthy changes permanent.
Even if you choose to change only one thing, make that change and stick to it. Be a happier and healthier you. When I say healthier I am not just referring to your physical health.