Everyone has a form of therapy they use to help alleviate stress. I am sure everyone has heard of retail therapy, it is the most popular. Me, on the other hand, rearranging the rooms in my house is my therapy. I find pushing furniture into new positions and changing the feel of a room is so satisfying. I have never been a shopper, but changing things periodically is less expensive and keeps the bill paying stress less of a burden.
I don't know about most of you but I know for me moving furniture around is pure therapy for me. Getting my husband to agree to move furniture around is not easy. I have a couple rooms in the house I can change when the mood hits me but my bedroom has not changed in almost 10 years and it has made me crazy.
This past weekend it was the hubby's idea to move our room around because we got a new TV for our room and in order to use the new TV we had to move our bed, which let me tell you is no easy task. The headboard is huge and has several pieces. Trust me when I tell you it is heavy and solid wood. I love it and wouldn't change it unless I found one I loved more.
Now the room is rearranged it took the hubby a few days to get used to the change. I, on the other hand, didn't have any problem getting used to it. I love the way it is arranged, it flows so much better. It also makes more sense as a bedroom this way rather than two separate rooms pretending to be one room.
The poor puppies on the first night were so confused they didn't know where to be or where their space was. They were so funny until I wasn't able to go to sleep because they wouldn't or couldn't settle down and sleep. Thought I was going to have to kick them out of the room. However, they did finally settle down and go to sleep. Unfortunately, it was two hours before I was supposed to get up. But it is all good now and everyone is settled in with the change.
I say to all who feel the need to change things as a form of therapy, go for it and do it!!!