Thursday, April 20, 2017

Eye Update

I am so happy to announce today's visit to the eye doctor was a very positive event. The swelling is still down and not showing any increase. I will, however, be receiving one more injection to make sure the swelling stays down so I will be getting cataracts removed this summer. I couldn't make the commitment to do it before then cause I can't let my students down. I enjoying helping the student get ready for their end of year testing.

So, I will go in next month for another eye injection and then schedule the operation to remove the cataracts. I told my husband I was not going to get the big thick glasses just so he could start the firepit with them. LOL

I am nervous about the operation, but if it will give me a good amount of my vision back it is very much worth it. Right now the vision is 20/200, so if I can get below 20/100 I will be very pleased.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Easter

I am so excited, I will have my boys all home for Easter this year. I haven't had them all at home since Christmas so I am really happy to get another weekend with all of them home to visit.

I am so proud of my boys, they have become such wonderful young men. I love seeing them and having them home. I know they will never live here again, but it still feels awesome to have them back in the house even for short visits.

Makes the empty nest feel full again and not so lonely. Happy Easter to you all!! Hope your holiday is filled with family and good food!!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

On a roll...

Started to work on chapter 2 edits but got pulled away to work on cleaning a vehicle. Have to say it felt really good to get outside in the sun and work on the 4Runner. It took me about an hour and a half to do a first clean of the front seats, center console, seat belts, back seats and door panels. It wasn't hard work, just hot cause of the sun.

I don't spend a lot of time outside, but I have to admit, it did feel good! Spring is here!! So love the warmer weather right now, just not looking forward to the hot weather coming our way cause summer will be here soon enough.

Now it is back to working on chapter 2 happy place! :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Power of Positivity

Even when we are at our lowest, positive words and encouragement can change everything! I was reminded I am a writer and when I don't like the way my story is going, I change it, "Plot Twist." It is what we as writers do to make a story better.

So, here is my plot twist:  "No more bad days", she says to herself. "I will not allow this to beat me or keep me down. I will rise above and conquer this obstacle. I will overcome this negativity which overwhelms me and make it, my bitch!" She smiles to herself in the mirror as she reminds herself, "Today is going to be a good day!"

As the saying goes, Yesterday is the past, move on. Tomorrow is not promised. But today is the present, make the best of the gift you have been given!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Bad Day...

Not having a great day. Lots of fear welling inside. Everything I try to read is blurry. I wanted to do some writing, but when I opened up the document to start all the letters were distorted and blurry. Of course, the tears don't help the blurriness, but I can't seem to stop them.

I try to keep a strong front and positive outlook, but days like today really make it hard to keep a positive outlook. Makes it even harder when I cover the injured eye and the healthy eye is just as blurry. Wearing my glasses only seem to help a little and making the font larger just digs the dagger in a bit deeper.

Ever since the eye thing the fear of losing my sight completely in the one eye. My kids have tried their hardest to keep me from worrying about it by joking with me and teasing me about getting me an eye patch and monocle. I laugh cause I know they are trying to help ease my fears. I also know it won't be the end of the world.

However, days like today scare me and make me think I just might lose my sight completely making me completely dependent on everyone. I have always been a very independent person and self-reliant and the one who always helps everyone else. I am supposed to be the one helping those around me, not the one needing the help.

How do you go from being the helper to being the one helped without losing the independence or yourself?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Friend Time...

I have been very fortunate in my life to have found some really amazing friends. There have been friends who have come and gone throughout my life. Some have even found their way back into my life. Some have remained in my life even through the miles and distance life throws in the way.

I don't see some of my friends who are close but maybe once a month or longer between visits. But no matter how long between visits it is always awesome and fun to see them again and hang out just catching up or just talking about nothing and making fun of each other. We all have very different personalities and compliment each other so wonderfully.

Friends are the family members we choose. Some are closer than others, but they are all still important to our lives and who we are. Family members are a given, but friends are a blessing. I have been truly blessed with some very amazing friends for whom I would not trade one minute of time I get to share with them.

Cherish both your friends and your family because they are who make you whole and lift you up when you need it.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pancake & Booze Art Show

As events go, this was a very interesting event. I really enjoyed myself. There was a very diverse group of individuals who came through the event. I was so excited to see such a multitude of ages. It was truly an amazing experience.

As I had said prior to the event I was very nervous. It was my first event I stepped out to do. The warm up was the two wonderful ladies who were vendors as well and have been doing this for some time. The asked questions and actually were my opening exercise as well as my wonderful friend Dennah Sharapovah who, is an artist and had pieces at the show, had originally introduced me to the event.

It was good for me to get in front of people to talk about my books. I didn't go into too much about the characters other than to say each book tells about different characters to continue the story rather than focusing on only two of the characters. I watched the individual to understand how much information to actually give. I talked longer to those who were really interested and less to those who were just wanting a quick speech.

I also have to give a shout out to my wonderful husband who stepped out of his comfort zone to help me make this event. He stayed with me throughout the whole show. He stepped out a few times, but for the most part, he stayed right by my side. I couldn't have asked for more of him.

So, I can say success was achieved!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nervous & Excited

Today is the day, the art show is tonight. I am so excited as well as nervous. I am actually putting myself out there in front of people in a more visible way. Putting your writing out there is a big step and nerve wracking on its own because you are exposing yourself to others thoughts and opinions of your work.

As Writers/Authors, we put our work out on display just like any other artist, but we in some ways have a vail we can hide behind, our pen name as it were. We can be somewhat shielded where painters and musicians are completely vulnerable from the beginning.

I will be exposing myself completely tonight and putting myself out in front of peers and readers and opening up myself to the public in a way I had not ever thought about doing before. It is one thing to be a well known and loved Author, but it is completely another to be an up and coming one with no reputation to fall back on to help push your work.

Lucky for me I have some great support from friends and family who believe in my talent and ability. Without them, I don't think I would have had the courage to take this leap and allow the vulnerability to be exposed. Thank you to my friends and family for all your support!!!

I will have copies of my first book "Lyric & Michael" available for purchase and will be more than happy to autograph purchased copies. Please come by and ask questions and look at the books.

To all my artist friends out there, we got this!

If you are going to be in the Raliegh area, you should come out and show your support of the local artist presenting at the event tonight. Pancake & Booze Art Show at the Lincoln Theatre.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How Do You Do It?

This hit me last night, I have had a lot of people ask me "How do you do it?" For the longest time, I wondered myself, why they would ask me such a question.

How do I do it, well, there is no other option! Giving up is never an option. I always pushed my kids to never give up no matter what obstacles blocked their paths, so if I teach my kids giving up is never the option or answer, then I clearly can not choose it.

So, "How do I do it?" I just do. I have no other option. If I were to shut down and hide then I am not setting the right example for my kids and I refuse to set a negative example for my kids no matter what obstacles block my path.

To overcome is to succeed and I refuse to do anything less.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Being sick

It has been some time since I was sick, but this past week was rough! Every time I thought I was getting better the coughing would start, the pain in my throat from the coughing, the lack of sleep through the night and the overwhelming feeling of just wanting to curl up in a ball and hide until it passes.

Glad to say I was able to get back to work by the end of the week and then spent a great day with a wonderful friend. I am feeling really good going into this upcoming week. So excited to be over the sickness. Still not 100% but it will come and I will be there!!

Have a great week everyone!!!