Friday, September 30, 2016


What do you think when someone says respect? Do you think it is an entitlement? Do you think it is something to be earned? Do you think it is something to be mutually given?

When I think or hear the word respect, it makes me think of many different things. I believe respect is something you earn. I also believe it is something which should be given mutually. Respect, however, is in no way an entitlement because of age. Just because you have age on someone does not entitle you to automatic respect and if you do not give respect to others I do not believe you should receive respect.

People are people no matter what their ages are, however respect is something you have to teach as well as earn and give. The way you treat someone shows them the level of respect or the lack of respect you have, not only for them but for yourself.

So the next time you feel you are not being respected, check yourself and see if you are showing any respect. It is a two-way street, just like many other things when you are dealing with other people.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bucket Lists

Are Bucket Lists a societal norm? Is it something everyone one thinks about doing or is it just something we do without putting a lot of thought into or even writing down?

I know I have thought about things I would like to do or accomplish before I die. It is not like I think about dying or do I want to think about not being around for a very long time. But as we all know dying is just a fact of life and inevitable.

I think for most even if they don't realize it is to leave a mark on the people in our lives, to make a difference in some manner. The way we impact those around us or the lives we cross paths with is what shows the kind of person we are.

How do you impact those around you? How do the people in your life see you?

All I can hope for is the impact I have on the people I touch is a positive one. However, I am not nieve enough to believe it is possible to make everyone happy or please everyone. All I can do is be true to myself and be who I am. This is what is top of my Bucket List and the most important item on it.

I think it should be the top of everyone's list to be true to themselves and to be happy with who they are.

So in closing -- Be proud of the person you are and if you aren't, find a way to be proud of who you are!

Book Cover Release

The link below is to the event for The release of Book Three's Cover. Come and join the fun and give your feedback.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Pick your battles!

Which is best when you are angry, talking it out or silence? Does it depend on the situation as to which is correct? Is someone always right in a disagreement?

Everyone believes what they think and feel is right, however, the belief doesn't make them correct. There are always two sides to a story. We all have different perspectives, but our perspectives don't make us more right than the other person's perspective.

We all have our own way of doing things, it doesn't make it wrong or right, just different. Putting it simply I fold my towels in thirds, but my husband only folds in halves. Just because he doesn't do it the way I want or the way I would, doesn't make him wrong and me right. Just makes it our own way.

Now don't get me wrong there are some things there is, a right way and a wrong way to do them, but in most things, there are just different ways, not right or wrong.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

How do you work?

Everyone has a different way of approaching how they work. What I mean by how you work is, what keeps you on task? What helps you focus? Work isn't just a job you do, work is how your mind functions and process what you are thinking or doing.

For me I have to have back ground noise, static if you will. I use the tv or music to keep my focus on what I am doing. I find it keeps me from be distracted when I am doing things. With the tv it has to be on a channel which plays shows I have already seen so it doesn't pull my attention. Music is my favorite back ground noise. However the down side to music is the impulse to want to dance to certain songs. LOL

Here is why I know this about myself. When I was a child I was trained to sleep with a fan and to sleep at 12 hour intervals. I can't say how the 12 hour intervals occurred, but they did and still continue to this day. Well when I can anyway. As I got older my mother attempted to break this pattern with no luck. She would come in during the night and turn my fan off, especially in the winter and as soon as she would turn the fan off I would wake up. It really made her crazy because I slept with the fan in my open window. So glad I never had to look or understand the electric bill, at least then anyway. LOL So you see in my opinion, our training for how we do things as adults started when we were children. So what we call habits or personality, it started at the beginning.

There are those who need the silence, but I just can't comprehend no sound. I find silence deafening. I can't even get my mind to stay on one track when there is complete silence. I feel like I am losing my mind when it is silent.

So, how do you work? Do you know why?

Thursday, September 22, 2016


I don't normally comment on TV shows, but this new show. But in this case, I will because it has one of my favorite actresses Piper Perabo. I have loved her since  the movie Coyote Ugly, which yes I own.
If you are able to catch this show I suggest you do. It is an awesome show!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lyric & Michael 2nd edition Released

Mental Breaks

We focus so much and so hard on what we are trying to accomplish. I have found it is very important to take a step back and breathe, play or just veg. I have been so determined to finish the editing on two different books, I had lost my drive and focus on the reason I was doing this. I love to write and had lost my path of the love.

If you are doing something you love, don't ever focus so hard, you lose the love of what and why you are doing what you are doing. Always maintain the love of what you are doing by stepping back everyday.

Reconnect with things you did previously to give yourself a break from the things you wanted to avoid or not do at all. Those same breaks are good and healthy so do them! You deserve the breaks!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Book Review

I received this book as an ARC for a fair and impartial review.

The first book in D. M. Simpson’s The Ties That Bind series, starts the series off with a bang.

I have to say I’m a bit fantasy fan. So when I had the opportunity to get a copy of Ms. Simpson’s first book, I was excited. What could be better than a were-wolf story with all of the intrigue of a full on thriller?

The main character, Lyric, has her own set of problems. Not fully were-wolf, and teased about it her whole life, she feels like an outsider. That rubs up hard against her true love, Michael, alpha male pack leader, who loves her to distraction but is confused about her reluctance. Oh, this is where it gets more complicated. Jessie, were-wolf and witch, wants Michael and not just for love.

Ms. Simpson has done an excellent job of creating a fast-paced, furious world of magic, jealousy, and love. You’ll stay up all night reading it.

I have found this book on Amazon so if your library doesn't carry it, you can get it there. Happy reading!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Stop and smell the roses!

I can not express the overwhelming feelings of joy I am currently feeling. I have found support in places I never knew I had.
I have met many new points of contacts and support through taking a class so I could enter a writing contest to possibly win a chance to coauthor a book with the famous James Patterson.
I knew it was a million to one chance I would even make it as a possibility, but I received so much support to enter the contest, to begin with, I put myself out there. Once I was there, I met others and found a whole other group of support and others that I could show support.
I have always been the one to encourage and push those around me, not that I didn't get encouraged and pushes also, I just spent more time focusing on everyone else.
I am just ever so elated by the show of support I have gotten over the past several months and the friends I have made.
Take a moment and look around yourself and see the true support of those you have in your life. When people say "Stop and smell the roses." I honestly believe they are saying take stock in those around you and see the beauty they possess and pass on to you.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Book link

Amazon has approved the changes and the book is now live and available for purchase. The link below will take you to the book directly. Happy reading!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Come join the event for the book release. Just click the link below to get to the event. Look forward to seeing you there!!!

Book Release - Announcement

I am happy to announce Lyric & Michael 2nd edition is back on the market. It could be up to 48 hours before you can actually purchase it, but that time is only an estimation so please keep checking back for availability.
Happy reading!!!


The amount of our lives that revolves around technology is amazing. There isn't anywhere you can go where you won't see someone on a cell phone, staring at a tablet, or a laptop. We rely so strongly on technology these days, we sometimes forget they aren't immune to human error.
Frustration kicked in for me after a solid four hours of work lost because my computer shut down unexpectedly on my and I had not set up for auto backup of my work to be saved so I didn't have to manually do it every so often. Well needless to say the lost work was a tough reminder to go into the settings and correct that human error.
Going to the power of positive thinking, it forced me to take responsibility for the lost work because I didn't set up the autosave option as well as gave me the ability to accept the previous changes may not have been the correct ones but if they were, I would repeat them the same. Everything happens for a reason.
Technology is part of our lives and will continue to be, but we still have to keep in mind, it is not perfect and will fail because of human error.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Power of Positive Thinking

I have to say, I truly believe in the power of positive thinking. It keeps your mental state out of the darkness of doubt. It also gives you a glow of confidence for all to see.
Everyone has rough days, weeks or months. I can admit there are times when I let the darkness of doubt leak into my mind and it affects my mood immensely. I don't like being negative, it just isn't me and it brings me down as well as people around me. I truly dislike causing anyone else to be negative.
It has always been my thing to be positive to help keep others positive. The darkness of doubt is a cloud I destroy, it is not allowed in my world and when it casts its shadow the fight in my grows.
Even with the bad week I've had, it has not kept me down. The art of positive thinking is my goal!!
I challenge you all to take a week and think positive and do a positive spin on anything negative. I'm telling you, it will make a huge difference on your outlook.