Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Book Sales
Yeah!! Up to 6 books sold so far!! Up to a grand total of 21 books sold between the two books!!! I am so exstatic!!! Thank you to all my supporters, you guys rock!!!!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
It appears that I am allowed to talk about sex organs but not allowed to talk about touching them.......I have been asked to rewrite my book to be acceptable to a PG13 viewing group......it isn't good enough to specify it as adult content.....
So for those of you that have the nook you will only be able to purchase the book off of Smashwords, it won't be available on B&N, unless I can find away to upload it directly to them myself you will be limited to only Smashwords.....Sorry about that!!
So for those of you that have the nook you will only be able to purchase the book off of Smashwords, it won't be available on B&N, unless I can find away to upload it directly to them myself you will be limited to only Smashwords.....Sorry about that!!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Book Links
I have just updated the book link page -- you can go straight to the book on both Amazon and Smashwords in a click -- Well maybe a double click....LOL
Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!!! Be safe and have fun!!
Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!!! Be safe and have fun!!
First Review
Thank you Kathy!!
The second in the series and exceeds the first! It was an engaging read that I couldn't put down. The author is growing exponentially, and I look forward to continuing the series. I recommend reading The Ties That Bind series.
The second in the series and exceeds the first! It was an engaging read that I couldn't put down. The author is growing exponentially, and I look forward to continuing the series. I recommend reading The Ties That Bind series.
Monday, December 23, 2013
It is official book two "Christine & Daniel" has been published on both Smashwords and Amazon!! For Smashwords it is available now, but I will let you know when it will be available on B&N, Sony, Apple and Kobo. As for Amazon it can take up to 12 hours for the english version and upto 48 hours for other languages. Once it is available I will post the direct links as I did with the first book to assist you in getting to the book faster.
Thank you to Alice and Kathy for all your help! I couldn't have done it without you!!
Thank you to Alice and Kathy for all your help! I couldn't have done it without you!!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Book is finished
The book is complete and editing corrections have been done -- Now all that is left to do is get it uploaded to the websites!! I will find away to get it done, have no fear!!! Thanks for all the support everyone!! Keep the positive and good vibes coming my way!! :)
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Delay in release
Technical difficulties have rendered the release from happening!! I am very disappointed, but I will keep you up dated as soon as it has been released. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Monday December 23. But I will let you know. So sorry for the delay!!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Count down
It is getting closer -- only 2 days left -- :) -- 2 chapters left to finish corrections then it is release time!!! Keep watching and I will let you know as soon as it has been released and available for purchase......
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
As promised -- Enjoy!!
As they
surrounded the house, Daniel gave the order to locate the child and mother but
not to engage them until he joined them. The house was all dark, and there
didn't seem to be any movement. His orders were to kill everyone in the house.
The man who owned the house was a known gun runner and drug trafficker.
He heard from
the team on the west wing, they had located the child. They advised it was a
girl about the age of five or six. She was alone in the room and sleeping. They
approached the bed to grab her but were unable to lay hands on her. There
seemed to be some type of barrier or spell protecting the child. Daniel
acknowledged them and moved in with the team from the north side.
The group from
the east side radioed that they had located the mother. The man seemed to be
gone. There didn't seem to be any sign of him. Daniel advised them to keep
looking and to leave the female; he would take care of her.
Something kept
nagging at him; this just didn't seem right; something was off. He felt as
though he had been here before. The layout seemed familiar. He moved swiftly
through the corridors towards the east wing where the second group had located
the female.
Opening the
door to the room, he entered, as his men stood guard. Once he was inside, he
closed the door behind him quietly. Moving to the side of the bed, he placed
his hand over her mouth.
Her eyes flew
open as she began to thrash but calmed quickly when her eyes settled on him.
When he looked into her eyes, it was like a shot straight through him. He froze, staring at her. Those eyes, they
had haunted him in his dreams. He couldn't think straight; all he could see was
her. She blinked breaking the connection.
All he could
think was how much he wanted her and that she was his.
“Mine!” he
He couldn't
imagine where that had come from. He hadn't met his true mate, and there was no
way this woman whom he was supposed to kill could be his true mate. It wasn't
possible, but here she was.
Moving his
hand away from her mouth, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.
There was no hesitation from her; she opened her mouth allowing him entry. The
taste of caramel flooded his senses. As his tongue mingled with hers, his need
for her grew stronger.
His hands
moved to her breasts rubbing in tiny circles around her nipples through her
night shirt. He could feel them start to pike. Closing his fingers around them,
he pinched slightly as he pulled. She let out a moan into his mouth, as she
arched her back pushing her breast deeper into his hand.
about her seemed so familiar to him, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. She
smelled so sweet, like honeysuckle and caramel. She was so soft to the
touch. Her lips were as smooth as
anything he had ever felt.
Moving his
hand from her breast, he slipped it up under the short shirt she was wearing.
He rubbed his hand gently across her skin as he moved back up her body to her
As he reached
her breast, she deepened the kiss pulling him to her. Wrapping her arms and
legs around him, he lowered himself on top of her; she rotated her hips as he
came down between her legs resting his bulge that had grown as his physical
contact with her increased. As her apex
rubbed against him, all thought left his brain but having her and being as deep
inside her as he could get. Unable to
stop himself he ripped her night clothes from her body. Removing his own clothing forced him to break
the kiss.
As he looked
down at her while he removed his clothing, she appeared to be glowing. As she reached for him she called out,
straight up panting and covered in sweat, he looked around in confusion trying
to remember where he was and what had just happened. The woman lying next to
him stirred rolling over towards him.
She put her hand on his arm, "Are you alright? Did you have another
bad dream?"
Daniel just
nodded, he couldn't speak.
As his
breathing returned to normal, he kept seeing those eyes. Those eyes he couldn't
get them out of his mind. He couldn't shake the idea that the woman in his
dreams was more than just a dream. Lying back, he looked up staring at the
Unable to get back to sleep and not wanting to keep his companion
awake, he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Looking into the mirror,
he couldn't shake the idea that the woman in his dream knew his name. He didn't
recognize her, but yet he felt it stronger than he had ever felt anything that
he knew her too.
Looking back over his shoulder to the bed, he knew the woman lying
there would never be anything more to him than a companion. She knew nothing of
his true nature nor did he trust her enough to tell her.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
One more chapter down
Chapter 8 first editng corrections completed -- Will start chapter 9 tomorrow, to late to start it tonight. One more day and the prologue will be released!!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thank you!!
To Alice and Kathy -- I owe you both a huge thank you for all you hard work and with the help that you have provided me!!! You both are the best and mean a lot to me!!!
Saturday Editing!!
Weather sucks and I feel like crap! Deadlines closing in fast -- only a week left to get all the editing changes completed.....Keep watching, Prologue to be release Tuesday on here and on my facebook page. I will keep you posted on the editing progress for the rest of the book. The completed book will be released nest Saturday.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Book 2 editing
Now up to chapter 8 with the editing -- Looks like everything is coming together and will be on time!! I am so excited, I will be doing a partial release on December 17th and the full release set for December 21st!!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Chapter editing
On the first editing draft or chapter 5 -- chapter 3 is complete....adding it to the collective document for the book!! 18 days until the first release!!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Final Chapter
I am proud to announce that the final chapter is complete!!! Book two is finished -- now all that is left is the editing -- release date is coming up fast!! But it will be done and you will have the second book in time for Christmas!!
I look forward to hearing everyones feed back!!
I look forward to hearing everyones feed back!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Hell Week!!!!!!
Okay for those that don't know, this is my first year as a theater mom......Well, it has been a real learning experience let me tell you!!!
I have been getting up early going to work then going straight to the theater and not getting home until after 10 everynight so far.......The upside to this is the kids are really doing a fantastic job!!!
I am so very proud of my son!! He had his first performance tonight in front of an audiance and nailed it!!!! I laughed, I cried....it was awesome!!!!
As for writing this week, well let's just say "not happening" I will get back to it on Sunday, thais if I decided to get up!! LOL
I have been getting up early going to work then going straight to the theater and not getting home until after 10 everynight so far.......The upside to this is the kids are really doing a fantastic job!!!
I am so very proud of my son!! He had his first performance tonight in front of an audiance and nailed it!!!! I laughed, I cried....it was awesome!!!!
As for writing this week, well let's just say "not happening" I will get back to it on Sunday, thais if I decided to get up!! LOL
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Final Chapter
Well I did get Chapter 12 completed, however I wasn't able to bring everything to a close so there is still more to come!! I will keep you posted!!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Editing Chapter 2
I am on the first draft of editing Chapter 2 -- it seems comma's and semi colon's are my down fall!!! I am so thankful to my proof readers -- You guys are the best, thank you so very much Alice and Kathy
Alice -- I hope you don't want to strangle me to much, you will be happy with the end!! :)
Alice -- I hope you don't want to strangle me to much, you will be happy with the end!! :)
Last Chapter
Working on the final chapter of book two. Got a lot written yesterday and am hopeful that I will have the last chapter completed by the end of the day Monday. It is all coming together and rounding out beautifully!! I am so looking forward to the release date!!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Certificate of Registration
I am excited to announce that my first book Lyric & Michael is officially copyright'd!!!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Suggestion Accomplished!!
It was suggested to me to create as much conflict as I could. According to the several comments from selected readers "I want to strangle you" I think I have accomplished my knack on cliff hangers and conflict that keep the reader wanting to read!!
Thank you Becky!!! Looks like I actually learned something.
Thank you Becky!!! Looks like I actually learned something.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Chapter completed!!!
Yee Haw!!!! Chapter is complete!!! On to the next chapter, only two more to go and the book is complete and it will be only the editing left to do!!!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Second phase
The second phase of editing is underway!!! Chapter 1 is almost ready to be the final draft!!! Comma's are my friend.....LOL Not!!!
Well if that is the worst of my corrections then I would have to say I am doing something right!!!
Thank you to my proof readers!!! Love you guys Alice and Kathy!!!
Well if that is the worst of my corrections then I would have to say I am doing something right!!!
Thank you to my proof readers!!! Love you guys Alice and Kathy!!!
Monday, October 28, 2013
1st editing draft
Chapter 1 is partially edited only waiting on the last part of the editing then I can move on to the final draft of Chapter 1!! Yea, it is getting there and only a month and a half to go before release!!
Almost complete
So much for no distractions -- However I am almost finished with this chapter only 3 pages to go!! Will be working on editing during work breaks!!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Work in progress
The writing has begun again!! I am feeling the characters again. I have been out of touch with them for several weeks. To much going on outside in the real world to allow me to escape into my characters. Things have calmed down and now I have found that connection again.....chapter to be completed!!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Back on track -- writing starts back up tonight.....great night sleep and now I am ready to go!! I will have the next chapter completed and a new one started -- I have finally gotten the numbering issue corrected so I am two chapters away from completing the book -- then it will be all editing -- then book release!!! Yeah!!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Feeling of starting over
It has been some time since my last post. I have not been able to work on anything for the past three weeks. I will be sitting down this weekend and working on both editing and writing!! I have a complete weekend with nothing pending or pressing in 12 other directions to prevent me from getting back on my book.
I will also be getting back to posting more regularly again. This month has just been really busy and crazy for more than one reason, but I am getting back on track and will meet my goal of releasing the second book in December!
I will also be getting back to posting more regularly again. This month has just been really busy and crazy for more than one reason, but I am getting back on track and will meet my goal of releasing the second book in December!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Release date closing in
The date of the release is closing in faster and faster. Interuptions have prevented any writing to be done since a week ago Saturday. I haven't gotten any editing done either.
New job started today and training went great!! I am really going to like my new position!!!
New job started today and training went great!! I am really going to like my new position!!!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Back to the real world
Rough week but it was all well worth it!! I should be getting back to writing this weekend since I have given myself a deadline of publishing by December! Just have to make sure the editting is done as well as the last two chapters. There shouldn't be any further interuptions from here on out, but I will keep you posted! Thank you for sticking by me!!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
This week
Due to a busy week and a graduation I will most likely not get any writing done after today. I will get what editing done that I can but the actual chapter writing will have to wait until I get back from the graduation. Everything is still on schedule for the release in December!!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
4th Review
the few grammatical errors, it was a great story. As my first book
about werewolves I was not sure how much I would like it. I loved it! I
would recommend this book to anyone who loves a strong heroine and hero
with the extra kick of fantasy. The story is so good minor mistakes go
almost unnoticed. This is a great story if you like connecting to the
characters and discovering their secrets a little at a time.
Book locations
Just a reminder to all that would like to read my first book before the second book is released in December I have created a page here on the blog that has the links directly to the different websites locations for the book. You won't have to search for it the link takes you right to it. The book is priced at $2.99
I will be posting a fourth review this evening. I want to thank everyone that has read it or is reading it currently and those that have put their thoughts out for all to see.
So far the reviews have been very positive and encouraging to me. I hope others find then encouraging enough to take a look for themselves.
I will be posting a fourth review this evening. I want to thank everyone that has read it or is reading it currently and those that have put their thoughts out for all to see.
So far the reviews have been very positive and encouraging to me. I hope others find then encouraging enough to take a look for themselves.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Word of the Day
Accolades -- expression of approval; Praise
I received this word from my loving sister in regards to her reading the clip with the twist.
The praise is more than I could have ever hoped for.
Thank you sis!!!
I received this word from my loving sister in regards to her reading the clip with the twist.
The praise is more than I could have ever hoped for.
Thank you sis!!!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Chapter Twist
I have asked two previous readers to read a segment of the chapter I just completed -- one of them as already given me the "you suck" quote!! I am loving it because it work the way I wanted it too, the twist made me laugh at myself as I ended the chapter because I was able to pull the same feeling that I get with twists from books I have read -- that is the best complement an author can get -- I really am glad that I started writing!!!
Thank you Crystal!!! You Rock!!
Thank you Crystal!!! You Rock!!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Chapter complete
One more chapter closer to completion of the book. I am very happy with the completion of this chapter.
I am actually excited and can't wait for the release date!!
I am actually excited and can't wait for the release date!!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Work in progress
Getting a lot done, but not quite finished with this chapter yet. It is feeling right, but just not at a good stopping point, should get there soon.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
New Chapter
Writing today has been very productive!! The chapter is coming together. I won't have it done tonight, but I should have it done and another chapter started by this weekend.
Hoping to have some editing to do on chapter 1 for this weekend too. Thank you to my proof readers Alice and Kathy!!!
Hoping to have some editing to do on chapter 1 for this weekend too. Thank you to my proof readers Alice and Kathy!!!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Prologue - Draft
Final draft of the Prologue is complete -- editing done -- now waiting for chapter one to be returned for the editing to be completed there!!
Next chapter to be started tonight -- no distraction -- nothing but writing to be done!!
Next chapter to be started tonight -- no distraction -- nothing but writing to be done!!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Next Chapter
Another chapter done, first draft anyway, on to the next chapter!!
Editing has begun so almost have the second draft of the Prologue completed!!
Editing has begun so almost have the second draft of the Prologue completed!!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Goal is to have the second book published sometime in December -- ideal time would be the night of the full moon in December!!
Be watching for the second book announcement to come out letting you know it is available!!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Finished the one chapter last night and started the next one -- I am sticking to it and not setting the numbers!! But I can tell you the villain is up to no good, like that is news.....LOL
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tuesday Evening
So many ideas going for the next chapter!! Mind is just not wanting to stop -- the creative juices are over flowing -- should be done with this current chapter tonight!!
Prologue second draft is done -- waiting for second proof reader to give her input then it should be done!
Prologue second draft is done -- waiting for second proof reader to give her input then it should be done!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Chapter numbering
Okay, I think I am just going to wait until I have finished writing to number the rest of the chapters only because I keep getting ahead of myself -- my characters are taking on their lives and I am just the lucky one they have chosen to write their story!!!
Got more writing done this evening but it is time to call it a night!! Have to get some sleep before work tomorrow -- Good night everyone
Got more writing done this evening but it is time to call it a night!! Have to get some sleep before work tomorrow -- Good night everyone
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Chapter Update
Up to page 16 of Chapter 6 -- had to stop writing before I could finish the chapter -- Had to talk to my husband while I could since he is away -- Will finish working on it this week
Weekend update!!
Chapter 7 completed -- Chapter 6 flowing like water, may even have it finished by tonight!!! Oh, wait until you see what I have done to the main characters!! ;)
Saturday, September 14, 2013
I have just checked both Amazon and Smashwords -- I have to say thank you guys, there have been 7+ views of the book -- I am so excited that the word of mouth is starting to spread!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!
Writers Block
Great news -- I have finally gotten the flow of writing back. The ideas are coming in a better order now instead of erratically like earlier -- getting so much done today!! Excitement is intoxicating!!!
Saturday afternoon writing
A good part of the day left to get a great deal of writing done. Which is a good thing since last night as I was working I realized that I had done two chapters back to back about two of the characters when I am trying so hard to switch characters per chapter!!! Well I was able to fix it and now I am actually working on Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 6, I will have to go back and do a Chapter 6 once I finish Chapter 7.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Book 2 Update
Chapter 4 completed now on to completing Chapter 6 -- Even with vision being blurred I am still determined to complete what I can so that I can have Book 2 out on the market by Christmas!!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Review #3
This was a new author's first attempt at writing a book, and it came together surprisingly well. The character's develop well and the story was intriguing enough to keep my interest. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series to see where the story leads next and watching this author grow as an author.
I encourage anyone who enjoys reading romance and/or fantasy to check it out.
Thank you for all the support!!!
I encourage anyone who enjoys reading romance and/or fantasy to check it out.
Thank you for all the support!!!
Great writing this weekend
I got a lot done this weekend with chapter 4. I had several really good hours of writing. I have to say I even got some good writing done while I was cooking dinner. Talk about multitasking..... :) Have a great week everyone!! Happy Monday!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Weekend writing
48 hours to do nothing but write.....Chapter 4 should be finished by the end of this weekend!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
New Review posted
This is another review of my first book --
Disclaimer ** This reviewer is friends with the author.
I don't usually read paranormal romance novels. In fact, I don't read romance novels in general and only occasionally read books with paranormal elements. However, I read this one because I am friends with the author & I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this book. The story is quite compelling, and I understand there will be considerably more development of the secondary characters in other books in the series, which I am officially looking forward to reading.
Disclaimer ** This reviewer is friends with the author.
I don't usually read paranormal romance novels. In fact, I don't read romance novels in general and only occasionally read books with paranormal elements. However, I read this one because I am friends with the author & I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this book. The story is quite compelling, and I understand there will be considerably more development of the secondary characters in other books in the series, which I am officially looking forward to reading.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Beta Readers
I have to thank my helpers!! You guys rock and I couldn't do this without you!!! I am really hoping the second book turns out just as good if not better than the first! I am finding myself getting more and more excited as I write. I am also finding different view points to be a huge help. Male or female there are romance readers in us all!!! Enjoy!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Awesome Weekend!!
I am so excited -- inspiration has taken over, I am really excited at how this weekends writing has come along! I have found a way to keep from having to renumber chapters -- Chapter 4 has become all its own!! Yea!!!!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Well, it has come to my attention that I need to change the way I am introducing the villains -- instead of doing it in one chapter since there are two I have decided to integrate their introductions through out the first couple chapters, only because the book jumps ahead 6 years so there is no real good way to make one chapter about them.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Mind Set
With a three day weekend, I should get plenty of writing done as long as I am in the right mind set to accomplish some good scenes to help the imagination run wild!!!
Don't forget to check out "Lyric & Michael" -- the links to the websites are located on the book links tab.
Don't forget to check out "Lyric & Michael" -- the links to the websites are located on the book links tab.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Missing Chapter
Well it is a good thing I decided to go back through the other chapters......found that Chapter 4 was not complete like I had thought it was, but it is coming along great!! This is the Villains chapter, I can't believe I forgot about it, but then again a dream sequence hit me in my sleep and I had to get it down on paper......Now I just need to finish up with the chapter and I can move on to finish chapter 6
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Focus found
Yeah!! I completed chapter 3 and have started chapter 6. Going back through older chapters to make sure that I am happy with their completions and adding what is needed when I am not happy with them.
Everything is coming together and I have finally gotten back into the grove with my book and it is flowing like it should.
Everything is coming together and I have finally gotten back into the grove with my book and it is flowing like it should.
To put off doing something, out of habitual carelessness or laziness. To postpone or delay needlessly -- This is my lack of focus!! :( At least that is how it feels to me anyway; but life is getting busier now that school has/is starting. Mom the taxi is back on duty!!
Thank you to everyone that has been supportive through this learning curve of mine and giving encouragement when needed!!!
Thank you to everyone that has been supportive through this learning curve of mine and giving encouragement when needed!!!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Lyric & Michael
Don't forget to check out the book, you can find the book links on the link page. Each link will take you straight to the book.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I have come to find that inspiration can be found literally everywhere and anywhere. I am taking full advantage of it too!!
Hump Day
Well I have made it through half the week, but have not done any writing other than to my son. But I am back in the right mental state to start writing again. Dry spells suck! But I have at least learned to recognize them and work past them without taking away from characters.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Dreams can be good or bad. However the best ones always make you very happy even after you wake up. Loving writing dream scenes!!! They can be any where or any thing!!
Don't forget to check out the first book Lyric & Michael
Don't forget to check out the first book Lyric & Michael
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Daily thought
There is nothing like a good looking man to make the day just melt away -- Oh what I wouldn't give to be one of my female characters........Yummy!!!!
Food for thought!!
When you see someone and your thoughts got to mmm yum - - sometimes you just have to give into the urge!!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Hell of a Day!!!
Well I have had one of the worst days I think I have had in a while. I thought saying good by to my oldest was hard, but hearing the strong boy that left my side sounding so small was the worst hell any mother could imagine!!
I have played it really close to the chest with my blog and face-keeping them just about my writing, but I have decided with some help that when I need to vent I am going to do it. With that said today really sucked!!!
I have played it really close to the chest with my blog and face-keeping them just about my writing, but I have decided with some help that when I need to vent I am going to do it. With that said today really sucked!!!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Book Sale Promotion
***** I have decided to do a promotion *****
For every 25th book purchased the buyer will receive a coupon to get the book for free
In order to make sure who has purchased the 25th book you will need to post on either the blog or the face-book page that you have made a purchase. This will be the only way I can keep a tally of how many books have been purchased.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The break up
Daniel may think that Shannon is going quietly, but only time will tell just how quietly she will go........Cyrus is about to find out how much Shannon really had learned from him
Friday, August 2, 2013
New page
I have added a new page to where you can locate clips from the books. The current clips are not the same as the ones previously posted. Check out the clips for a taste of the books.
I wish I was home writing.....So many ideas running through my mind, need to get them down before they disappear!!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
This is awesome news -- facebook page has reached over 500 people with 22 people talking about it!! I am so grateful to everyone that is supporting me in this new venture of mine. There are not enough words for me to express how truly grateful I am to each and everyone of you!!!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Chapter 5
Oh the villain is just not having a good day!!! Love it when the good guys win, oh but wait there is always a twist......
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Better day
Getting back on track. Still keeping in mind that this isn't an easy thing, but I am not giving up. So, the good news is I will start writing again, but during the week is just not easy after working all day. But tomorrow is Friday and I will get back on the computer and do some writing. I want to get this book back on track again.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Reality kicking in
Okay, this is so much harder than I ever thought possible. Self advertising is just crazy! Book sales have died over the last 30 days. From the stats that I have been seeing I am reaching a good number of people with the blog and my face book page, but it hasn't resulted in too many sales.
I appreciate everyone that has been following me and those that have purchased the book. I could just use some help in advertising. For those that have read the book, I would greatly appreciate some reviews. I have only received one so far.
For those that are interested in purchasing a copy you can go to the page with the links. Each link will take you directly to the location to purchase it. The cost is $2.99 and it is only an ereader, there are no hard copies.
However, if you only have a computer you can use the smashwords.com link and that will give you the option of downloading it as a PDF to your computer.
I appreciate everyone that has been following me and those that have purchased the book. I could just use some help in advertising. For those that have read the book, I would greatly appreciate some reviews. I have only received one so far.
For those that are interested in purchasing a copy you can go to the page with the links. Each link will take you directly to the location to purchase it. The cost is $2.99 and it is only an ereader, there are no hard copies.
However, if you only have a computer you can use the smashwords.com link and that will give you the option of downloading it as a PDF to your computer.
Monday, July 22, 2013
New Chapter
Got some writing done this evening. Will have to rewrite a couple paragraphs due to my program shutting down on me before I could save them, but thank goodness for auto save!! If you don't use it, you should. It is the best way to protect yourself from losing a lot of work.
External hard drives are another way to go if you are having computer issues as well. I have learned the hard way that not having things backed up is a good way to lose everything that you save onto your computer. I have been lucky in most respects at getting my stuff recovered but it was still a lesson that I had to learn after the fact.
The new chapter is going well and just like the first book it is coming to me as I am writing which tells me that I am writing the book I am supposed to be writing at this time. I can not give a time on when it will be ready but as I get closer to an end you will all be the first to know.
External hard drives are another way to go if you are having computer issues as well. I have learned the hard way that not having things backed up is a good way to lose everything that you save onto your computer. I have been lucky in most respects at getting my stuff recovered but it was still a lesson that I had to learn after the fact.
The new chapter is going well and just like the first book it is coming to me as I am writing which tells me that I am writing the book I am supposed to be writing at this time. I can not give a time on when it will be ready but as I get closer to an end you will all be the first to know.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday 7/21
Well no inspired dreams last night, but that is alright. I will have plenty of time this coming week to write in the evenings. Was unable to get any writing done today, spent most of the day on the road. Can't write to well when driving!! Oh, well always another day.....
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Villain's chapter
I have completed the chapter on the villains....at least I have for tonight. I might think of more to add, but for now it is done. Time for some sleep, will write more tomorrow. Who knows I just might get a dream tonight with more for the chapter!! Good night all.
Desk top is back up and running again......sitting down to write while I can. external hard drive plugged in and ready to back up everything. Now to the villains...........
Friday, July 19, 2013
Friday 7/19
Got some writing done last night. I really like what I got down on paper. Things are getting back to normal. Should be able to get more done over the weekend. Who knows I just might even get a full chapter done!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Heading up to do some writing or at least try to get some done anyway!!! Have a great evening!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Hump Day!!!
Woke up this morning and again my desk top computer was turning on and off.....I just unplugged it and will deal with it this weekend. No patience to deal with it tonight. May have them tomorrow but I will plan to do it over the weekend. It is just great that I have this wonderful tablet that I can use to write the chapters. I am finally ready to get back to writing, my mental break has worked. Have a great evening everyone.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
A new week
I am getting back to writing after my little break. I have time to focus on the book again. There shouldn't be anymore big distractions to prevent me from getting a couple chapters cranked out quickly. Now as for the editing, well that is going to be a little longer, but as long as I am writing I am making progress. Have a great Tuesday evening everyone!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Enter the Villains
Sitting at his desk looking over the intelligence he
had just received. As he reviewed the information he frowned. The woman sitting
across from him was tapping her foot and drumming her fingers on the arm of the
chair. Looking up at him she frowned and stopped fidgeting. Tired of waiting
she asked, "Well?"
Looking over the documents, "Is this all you got? You know the woman survived the attack at the house."
Her eyes narrowed, "I know. I don't know how she
managed that, but I will get her. There wasn't time to get more without getting
caught. I have placed the devices as you asked but I am not sure they won't be
found at some point. So there will be more information to come."
Shaking his head, "No, we are going to go at this
from a different angle. I have a different plan for the woman. I want you to
focus on Daniel now. Do you think you can do that without screwing up
Glaring back at him, "I didn't screw up the first time, thank you. So, what is it you have in mind for Daniel since I know you don't want me to kill
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Have started the next chapter introducing the villains. I have actually decided to add a little of the villains intro to the beginning of chapter 2. I am really enjoying writing this chapter!! Have a great evening everyone.
To Kinsey - Happy Birthday Girl!!!
To Kinsey - Happy Birthday Girl!!!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Book Link page
To make it easier to locate the books on the popular sites I have created a page and placed all the links directly to the book for each of the sites. Making it more convent to get to the book so you can purchase it.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Had to make some changes, hope everyone likes the new look!!! Not real major changes, but some rearranging that I think makes it easier. Please leave comments if you want.
Monday July 8th
It has really been a Monday!!! Have decided to take this evening off from writing. I will start tomorrow sometime. Need a down day to finish recovering from vacation. I promise myself that I will pick back up tomorrow. I hate that I haven't gotten more written since last week. I have to set myself a goal then I can stick to it!! Have a good evening everyone.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Back from Vacation
I know it is hard to believe but, yes I was completely out of touch with internet for an entire week. I had a great time visiting with my sister and her family!! I didn't get any writing done, but I will get on that this week. Hope everyone enjoyed their forth of July. Other than the rain I enjoyed mine!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
July 1st
New chapter to start once I have gone over the last chapter for corrections. The intro to the villains........That is always the fun part!! At least for me it is the fun part. I love creating someone you love to hate!! :) Off to finish corrections then I will be writing the rest of the night.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
New book editing
Trying a new tactic with writing this book. I am watching very closely as I go and have gone back over the other chapters that I have done and gone over them with a fine tooth comb......hopefully what I learned from the last time will prove to be a large benefit with this book.
I am taking my time and will get a second or third pair of eyes on it before I actually publish it. That is the goal anyway!!
I am taking my time and will get a second or third pair of eyes on it before I actually publish it. That is the goal anyway!!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
New books
Back to writing the current new book. I have decided since I am not making this a numeric series then I need to stop calling this the second book. It is the new book to the series. The title to the new book is Christine and Daniel.
You can look at the family tree page to see how they are related so that you will know if you haven't read Lyric & Michael. I created the family tree so that it would be easier to follow the family lines while you read the series.
Each of the remaining books will tie back to Lyric & Michael, but they will lead you through the stories of each of the characters from the original book. Each of the new books will have Lyric & Michael making appearances in each of the books because as the series title says they are "The Ties That Bind".
You can look at the family tree page to see how they are related so that you will know if you haven't read Lyric & Michael. I created the family tree so that it would be easier to follow the family lines while you read the series.
Each of the remaining books will tie back to Lyric & Michael, but they will lead you through the stories of each of the characters from the original book. Each of the new books will have Lyric & Michael making appearances in each of the books because as the series title says they are "The Ties That Bind".
Friday, June 28, 2013
First Review
I have just received my first review from one of my readers. I have been given permission from the reviewer to share the review.
Review by: Crystal on June 28, 2013 :
This was a really well written book. I was very drawn in. Loved how I knew the characters right away and I LOVE the story line. Huge fan of fantasy books. This book is going to the top of my favorites. If you read this book, be prepared to not put it down. Every page has you wanting to know more. Cannot wait for the next book to come out. Love it.
Review by: Crystal on June 28, 2013 :

This was a really well written book. I was very drawn in. Loved how I knew the characters right away and I LOVE the story line. Huge fan of fantasy books. This book is going to the top of my favorites. If you read this book, be prepared to not put it down. Every page has you wanting to know more. Cannot wait for the next book to come out. Love it.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
I am truly amazed at the reach I have been able to achieve. I thank you all!!
As a quick update;
Book 1 is for sale at:
Apple website
Barnes & Noble web site
Kobo website
Sony website
I look forward to any reviews you guys feel like putting up. If you have any problems leaving comments just send me an email or message me on my FB page https://www.facebook.com/dmsimpson7071
As a quick update;
Book 1 is for sale at:
Apple website
Barnes & Noble web site
Kobo website
Sony website
I look forward to any reviews you guys feel like putting up. If you have any problems leaving comments just send me an email or message me on my FB page https://www.facebook.com/dmsimpson7071
I am taking my time with the second book so it may be the end of the summer before I am even close to publishing it. I have found that it is better to take my time and re-read as I go. I am working on taking a friends suggestions and using them to make this book even better.
I so look forward to the times when I can actually write. I find myself watching the clock when I am at work for my 15 minute breaks so that I can do a little bit of writing during the day. When I get home I have to keep myself from hiding in my office to write, but of course you would think with having teenagers that wouldn't be to hard, but mine seem to like me, LOL, and will come sit in my office with me. :)
For those that have or are reading my fist book, thank you. I truly hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
I so look forward to the times when I can actually write. I find myself watching the clock when I am at work for my 15 minute breaks so that I can do a little bit of writing during the day. When I get home I have to keep myself from hiding in my office to write, but of course you would think with having teenagers that wouldn't be to hard, but mine seem to like me, LOL, and will come sit in my office with me. :)
For those that have or are reading my fist book, thank you. I truly hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I thank everyone for following my blog. I would greatly appreciate for any one that has read my book to please write me some reviews and post them. I would really like to know what everyone thinks as well as letting others know as well.
Thanks again for all the support!!
Thanks again for all the support!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Book Two!!
Book one uploaded to Amazon, now I can focus on the next one.
I am really excited to write this next one. I have great pointers from the first book to help me with the writing of all the rest of the books. I just wish I had been a little more patient and waited for the pointers for the first book so that I could have used them there, but I can always use them and upload newer versions, but I don't want to do that too many times.
I will definitely use them for the rest of the books and try to have the patients to wait for the pointers before uploading and publishing the next ones.
Off to write!!
I am really excited to write this next one. I have great pointers from the first book to help me with the writing of all the rest of the books. I just wish I had been a little more patient and waited for the pointers for the first book so that I could have used them there, but I can always use them and upload newer versions, but I don't want to do that too many times.
I will definitely use them for the rest of the books and try to have the patients to wait for the pointers before uploading and publishing the next ones.
Off to write!!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Book 1 has been uploaded to both Smashwords and Amazon. Amazon advises it could be 12 hours before it is available for the public, but it will be there!
The price on Amazon is still $2.99 just like on Smashwords.
Thank you everyone for sticking by me through this and being more patient than I was, lol. You all have been great!!
The price on Amazon is still $2.99 just like on Smashwords.
Thank you everyone for sticking by me through this and being more patient than I was, lol. You all have been great!!
Final Draft
Alright, we have made it!!!!
I have completed the editing. I have uploaded it to Smashwords. I am having some issues at the moment with Amazon, but it is telling me to retry in 15 minutes. I will let you know once it is done!!
We are one step closure now!!! YAY!!!
I have completed the editing. I have uploaded it to Smashwords. I am having some issues at the moment with Amazon, but it is telling me to retry in 15 minutes. I will let you know once it is done!!
We are one step closure now!!! YAY!!!
Last two Chapters
Starting the last two chapters......I just might be done before dinner tonight!!
I will update again when I have finished!!
Also check out my FB page https://www.facebook.com/dmsimpson7071
I will update again when I have finished!!
Also check out my FB page https://www.facebook.com/dmsimpson7071
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Two chapters to go
Have worked really hard today......Had a few interruptions but I was still able to get two in a half chapters completed today. Only two more to go then I will be finished with the editing.
I did what I said......back-up, back-up, back-up ---- save, save, save!!! That was my chant all day.
I will reach my goal of having the editing completed by end of day tomorrow. Yes that means I have until midnight!!! ;)
I may not however get it uploaded to both websites by end of day tomorrow, but if not I will definitely get them uploaded by Monday.
I will keep you posted
I did what I said......back-up, back-up, back-up ---- save, save, save!!! That was my chant all day.
I will reach my goal of having the editing completed by end of day tomorrow. Yes that means I have until midnight!!! ;)
I may not however get it uploaded to both websites by end of day tomorrow, but if not I will definitely get them uploaded by Monday.
I will keep you posted
New day
Alright, fresh start..... I didn't get much editing done last night after playing with the new page on FB. I am really excited about the FB page. I am now working on how to link the blog to the FB page. Should be fun learning. LOL
Thank you to everyone that has liked my page.
I am working on the desk top computer today so wish me luck that it behaves for me.
Thank you to everyone that has liked my page.
I am working on the desk top computer today so wish me luck that it behaves for me.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Face Book Page
Please come and check it out. Let me know what you think.
Please come and check it out. Let me know what you think.
Editing Covers
Okay different subject somewhat, but I have been playing around with the cover for the next book. I have been give some really good feed back and have tried to incorporate most of it. I think I just might have gotten it this time, but the jury has yet to give a verdict. I will have to be patient and wait until Monday. It is a good thing that I have the last part of book one to finish editing to keep my mind preoccupied until then.
I am not sure how much editing I will get done tonight, I have poured myself a glass of wine! It is my favorite and it taste so good. but I will do as much as I can until I am just too tired to see the words anymore.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
I am not sure how much editing I will get done tonight, I have poured myself a glass of wine! It is my favorite and it taste so good. but I will do as much as I can until I am just too tired to see the words anymore.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Chapter 9 editing
It is coming along and I am so happy with the fact that I can not only work on it on the desk top computer but I can work on it on my tablet and not loose anything in the formatting. I can not tell you how much that eases my mind. The formatting was the hardest thing I had issues with with I uploaded the book the first time. It took forever, but live and learn and all of this is a learning experience.
I have received so much support from friends and family. I have truly been blessed with great people in my life. I know that I have said this before, but I just feel that it is something that I should tell all of you as much as I can. You guys rock!!
The goal is to be able to upload the corrected version to all the sites by Sunday night. I am actually pushing myself to get this done so that I can focus on the second book. I feel that I have been neglecting it even though I have been writing on it in between distractions with the first book and the computer. Wish me luck!
I have received so much support from friends and family. I have truly been blessed with great people in my life. I know that I have said this before, but I just feel that it is something that I should tell all of you as much as I can. You guys rock!!
The goal is to be able to upload the corrected version to all the sites by Sunday night. I am actually pushing myself to get this done so that I can focus on the second book. I feel that I have been neglecting it even though I have been writing on it in between distractions with the first book and the computer. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Computer Editing
We have lift off again!! I have finished editing chapter 7 and will work on chapter 8 some tonight. I hope to have all the computer editing completed by the end of this weekend. I will keep you posted as things progress. Once I am pleased with the rewrite I will set it up on Amazon as well as uploading a the new version to Smashwords.
As for the second book, I am make good headway. I have completed three chapters so far. However one of the chapters is a later chapter instead of being in a row. I am really enjoying writing this book just like I did with the last one.
As for the second book, I am make good headway. I have completed three chapters so far. However one of the chapters is a later chapter instead of being in a row. I am really enjoying writing this book just like I did with the last one.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Awesome news......
Hip, Hip Hooray!!!
I have gotten my desk top computer back up and running again. I was able to copy the books and the covers to the external drive. It was slow going, but it is done!!
I am actually writing this post on the desk top!! I will continue to back up everything one way or another so that I don't lose anything again.
The only issue now is to see if I will be able to edit my covers on the tablet, but as long as the desk top computer is working I am good.
I will just have to start saving for a new computer and make sure I save everything from this hard drive or move this hard drive to the new computer and save a lot of hassle!!
I have gotten my desk top computer back up and running again. I was able to copy the books and the covers to the external drive. It was slow going, but it is done!!
I am actually writing this post on the desk top!! I will continue to back up everything one way or another so that I don't lose anything again.
The only issue now is to see if I will be able to edit my covers on the tablet, but as long as the desk top computer is working I am good.
I will just have to start saving for a new computer and make sure I save everything from this hard drive or move this hard drive to the new computer and save a lot of hassle!!
Book 1 News
Well I have gotten Book one onto my tablet so now I am starting all over with the computer editing, but it will be done.
I have killed the desk top computer. Not sure how, but now it won't even come on. Luckily I had emailed the book to someone so was able to get the entire book so that I can start the computer editing all over again, but I have the hard copy to follow so it is all good!!
I have also backed up the documents onto a WD My Passport external hard drive. I haven't yet gotten the hang of the online back up yet, but I will get there!!
I have killed the desk top computer. Not sure how, but now it won't even come on. Luckily I had emailed the book to someone so was able to get the entire book so that I can start the computer editing all over again, but I have the hard copy to follow so it is all good!!
I have also backed up the documents onto a WD My Passport external hard drive. I haven't yet gotten the hang of the online back up yet, but I will get there!!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Exciting News
I have now got the right application on my tablet so I can move forward with book two. I will have to wait on the computer editing with book one until I get it down loaded to the tablet. I am so excited now, I can save all my work in the correct formatting!!!! Yeah!!!
I am doing cartwheels now, okay mentally anyway...... :)
Going to sleep now, good night!!
I am doing cartwheels now, okay mentally anyway...... :)
Going to sleep now, good night!!
Hard Copy Editing
All finished with the hard copy editing!!!
I am on the verge of actually getting the correct version of word on my tablet so that I won't have this issue again if something happens to the big computer and I will also be putting them on cloud or Google docs so that way I can access them from anywhere or any machine!!!
I am in the process of getting the next book on one of the online storage/back up and since it is already on the tablet and hasn't been moved to the desk top, I can.
So here I go again with a learn as I go trip!!!
I am on the verge of actually getting the correct version of word on my tablet so that I won't have this issue again if something happens to the big computer and I will also be putting them on cloud or Google docs so that way I can access them from anywhere or any machine!!!
I am in the process of getting the next book on one of the online storage/back up and since it is already on the tablet and hasn't been moved to the desk top, I can.
So here I go again with a learn as I go trip!!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Computer Down
I know it has been a few days since I last posted, but have been having computer issues. I am so hoping that it will be taken care of this weekend, but if not then I will have to figure out something else and a way to get my book off my old computer and put somewhere that I can access it to work on it.
As of right now I have almost completed the hard copy editing. I only have a couple more pages to go then I will be done. The computer copy is up to chapter 7 as long as I can get the computer fixed or get the document off the hard drive I won't have to start all over from chapter 1. Keep me in your thoughts and send my computer well wishes.......darn technology sometimes!!! ;)
As of right now I have almost completed the hard copy editing. I only have a couple more pages to go then I will be done. The computer copy is up to chapter 7 as long as I can get the computer fixed or get the document off the hard drive I won't have to start all over from chapter 1. Keep me in your thoughts and send my computer well wishes.......darn technology sometimes!!! ;)
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Post Graduation
Well, we made it and are still alive......lol Graduation was very wet but they moved quickly so the ceremony only lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. Party went off well, no mishaps so that was really great!!
Today I should be resting but my mind it running 100 mph so I will do some computer editing while I can't sit still......Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that I will get the editing completed by next weekend. Everything goes back to normal today, so there shouldn't be any hiccups to prevent me from editing this week at all.
Today I should be resting but my mind it running 100 mph so I will do some computer editing while I can't sit still......Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that I will get the editing completed by next weekend. Everything goes back to normal today, so there shouldn't be any hiccups to prevent me from editing this week at all.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Pre Graduation
Starting the day......have a lot to do and only a day to do it in, so much fun!! Won't be getting any editing done that I can fore-see that happening until Sunday. Just trying to make it through Saturday without losing my mind and hair. Lots of people and hopefully no rain. Everyone please pray for no rain tomorrow. Have a great day. Hope everyone has a great weekend as well!!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Chapter 9
I have finally made it to the end of chapter 9 with the hard copy editing. Still only on chapter 6 for the computer copy though.....but it is getting there!! You know what that means Sara......get to reading missy!!! LOL!!!
Things are falling into place, still hectic, but falling into place just the same. New book will have to wait until next week.
Just a reminder to everyone that has read the first book, the second will not be out as I had hoped by June. I will just have to keep you updated as to when it will be available.
As always, thank you all for your support!!
Things are falling into place, still hectic, but falling into place just the same. New book will have to wait until next week.
Just a reminder to everyone that has read the first book, the second will not be out as I had hoped by June. I will just have to keep you updated as to when it will be available.
As always, thank you all for your support!!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Did a little work on the new book. I also got some more of chapter 8 edited today. I plan to do some more tonight while I am watching TV. I am cutting myself off from Candy crush so that I can concentrate on editing!!! Have to get it done and I want to get it done as soon as possible. With all the house guests this weekend I seriously doubt that I will have anytime to do any editing. Okay new distraction.......Ice Cream!!! My son just brought me home some , have to eat it!!!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Sunday 2 June 2013
It has been a really busy morning, lots done but still lots more to go. Got the chance to visit with a very dear friend that I haven't seen in many years. I haven't gotten much editing done today but I will try to do some this evening. So much to do and so little time.......
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Upto Chapter 6
I have made it up to Chapter 6 with the editing on the computer. Feeling really good about the progress.
Chapter 4 editing
I am almost finished with the electronic editing of chapter 4. I am make some really great progress with getting this completed.
This is going to be a really busy week for me getting ready for graduation. Not sure that I will get a lot of posting done but I will do my best.
This is going to be a really busy week for me getting ready for graduation. Not sure that I will get a lot of posting done but I will do my best.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
New inspiration
The editing is more tedious than I ever thought possible, but I refuse to give up!!
I have gotten a burst of new inspiration to not only finish the editing but to do the writing on the next book.
I have decided that the only book that will need to be read first is of course Lyric & Michael, but after that there won't be any need to follow any line. I will write the books as I will and then you can read them in any order and won't be lost no matter which book you pick up.
I have found a new excitement and am ready to get the editing done.
Thank you to everyone for standing by me and working through the learn as I go process!!
I have gotten a burst of new inspiration to not only finish the editing but to do the writing on the next book.
I have decided that the only book that will need to be read first is of course Lyric & Michael, but after that there won't be any need to follow any line. I will write the books as I will and then you can read them in any order and won't be lost no matter which book you pick up.
I have found a new excitement and am ready to get the editing done.
Thank you to everyone for standing by me and working through the learn as I go process!!
Monday, May 27, 2013
New Chapter
Well, I have written a new chapter for the new book. Not sure which chapter it is for, but I am liking the way the book is going. I am really excited about this book. I should really finish up the editing!!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Back from the beach. Had a really great time. Got to see some old friends that I haven't seen in a little while and met some new ones.
Met a fellow writer also. Was really cool had several people ask about my book. I also found out that my wonderful husband had even told people about my book.
I didn't get a lot of editting done, but I did get a couple pages written for the new book. Got inspired!!! LOL
Met a fellow writer also. Was really cool had several people ask about my book. I also found out that my wonderful husband had even told people about my book.
I didn't get a lot of editting done, but I did get a couple pages written for the new book. Got inspired!!! LOL
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Chapter 6 editing
I am half way through editing chapter 6 now. Getting more and more excited.
Got tested, thank you Becy!!, and passed. Yeah!!
Working on my weak points, but making progress. Boy would my English teachers be please. LOL
Anyway, hope everyone has a great and safe holiday weekend.
Got tested, thank you Becy!!, and passed. Yeah!!
Working on my weak points, but making progress. Boy would my English teachers be please. LOL
Anyway, hope everyone has a great and safe holiday weekend.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Friday night
Made it to Fort Fisher. Dinner with my husband and some friends. Looking forward to some alone time with my man!!! Have a great weekend everyone. I will post again later!!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
It has been decided that the dream scene that I have been talking about will now be the prologue to the book.
Other than Lyric & Michael being the beginning I think I will make each book from here on out enough of a book on it's own outside being part of the series there won't be any actual order to the books. This way there won't be any feeling like you have to read them in any order other than Lyric & Michael to find out who all the characters are.
I kind of like this idea. Chime in if anyone has a different thought.
Other than Lyric & Michael being the beginning I think I will make each book from here on out enough of a book on it's own outside being part of the series there won't be any actual order to the books. This way there won't be any feeling like you have to read them in any order other than Lyric & Michael to find out who all the characters are.
I kind of like this idea. Chime in if anyone has a different thought.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Book 2
It seems that I have a great dilemma in front of me. I have mentioned that I had started writing the second book. However I have started having dreams of a different book and have somewhat started writing a different book so now the question is; which one do I make the second book. I think I may choose the one that I am having dreams about since it seems to be the one that is wanting to be written. My subconscious seems to be making the choice for me so I think my smartest move would be to follow its direction. If you have any thoughts please let me know.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I have now started to dream parts of my books. the dream yesterday was about one of the books that I hadn't started, but now that I had the dream it has been started. This is getting fun!!!
Big news of the day was that my book with the new cover has appeared on the Apple website...... Yeah!!!!
Here is the link to locate it for those with Ipods or Ipads or Iphones:
Here is the link to locate it for those with Ipods or Ipads or Iphones:
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Chapter 3 edit
Finished chapter 3. Decided to work on chapter 4 before I finished the corrections in the copy on the computer. Gave up on the whole correcting the computer copy as I went. Felt I would get more done more quickly finishing it doing it all at once rather than piece by piece.
I have been very blessed with great friends and family. I have been shown more support from so many that I know even if I only write for just a few, I have still accomplished more than I could have ever imagined. I owe a great many of you more thanks than I could ever say with just words. Thank you to you all for everything.
I have been very blessed with great friends and family. I have been shown more support from so many that I know even if I only write for just a few, I have still accomplished more than I could have ever imagined. I owe a great many of you more thanks than I could ever say with just words. Thank you to you all for everything.
Chapter 3
The editing for this chapter is turning out to be more of a rewrite as well as the paragraph corrections. Not big changes but still changes none the less. I am having fun with this!!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Paragraph editing Chapter 2
I need to clarify, I am only doing paragraph editing at this time. I am adding some rewrites in spots and correcting what grammar corrections as I come across them, but my main editing is to correct the paragraphs. I am having help in the other areas so it is a work in progress all the way around. I have finished with the paragraph corrections for chapter 2. I will start Chapter 3 later this evening or tomorrow and hopefully have it completed by tomorrow evening.
I am excited to announce that I have almost completed my application to have my work registered with the US Copyright Office. It will be about 2.5 months before I will have the certificate but the process is in the works. I will keep you updated since everything is a first for me right now it is all on a learning curve! But I have to say I am really enjoying the learning.
I am excited to announce that I have almost completed my application to have my work registered with the US Copyright Office. It will be about 2.5 months before I will have the certificate but the process is in the works. I will keep you updated since everything is a first for me right now it is all on a learning curve! But I have to say I am really enjoying the learning.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Chapter 2.2
It turned out that I was able to get some editing done after all. Finished up chapter 2. Now I just have to get on the computer and fix the paragraphs the way that they should be to make it easier to read. Then it is on to chapter 3!!! This is actually going faster than I thought it would since I actually will have time to put into it without interuptions. Will have plenty of time since my husband will be gone for two weeks at A.T. I will miss him, but I should be able to get a lot done on my book in that two weeks.
Day off #2
Boy I have gotten a lot accomplished, got the announcments for Cody taken care of. Bought a new pot for my mother's day flower and painted it.
Now to help my husband load the truck to take trash off to the dump. Yeah, day off!!
Now to help my husband load the truck to take trash off to the dump. Yeah, day off!!
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